League of Legends: The Banshee’s Veil Malzahar Bug That Just Won’t Die

As a seasoned League of Legends player with countless hours invested in mastering my favorite champions and navigating the game’s complexities, I can’t help but feel exasperated by the ongoing Banshee’s Veil bug that has plagued Malzahar players for years. The sheer audacity of this bug, which seemingly defies all logic and reason, is nothing short of baffling. It’s as if we’re playing a game where Mendel’s laws of genetics have been rewritten just to keep us on our toes!

The game League of Legends has had its share of memorable events along with some annoying glitches, like the one mentioned by user ‘creepahugga2′ – an issue involving Banshee’s Veil and Malzahar’s passive skill. This bug has been hanging around for over three years now, causing players frustration and making people question why it hasn’t been fixed yet. The discussion on the subreddit revolves around the impact of this bug, how players react to it, and the absurdity that it continues to exist after such a long time. The overall feeling in the community is a mix of astonishment, humor, and some annoyance about Riot Games’ focus on other tasks.

Yearly reminder than banshee’s veil still disables Malzahar passive until he dies.
byu/creepahugga2 inleagueoflegends


  • The Banshee’s Veil bug has annoyed League of Legends players for over three years.
  • Community reactions are a mix of disbelief, humor, and frustration.
  • Some players argue the bug is a deserved punishment for Malzahar users.
  • Focus on the failures of Riot’s prioritization in fixing long-standing issues.

The Bug That Gregor Mendel Would Be Proud Of

The idea that a bug in the game has existed for years without any significant resolution is befuddling and downright perplexing. According to ‘creepahugga2’, the bug prevents Malzahar’s passive from activating correctly when he has Banshee’s Veil equipped. This interaction fundamentally alters how players might approach their gameplay with Malzahar, who, according to one commenter, ‘should have been addressed already.’ The sheer enormity of time that has passed without change certainly smacks of ineptitude. While other bugs have been fixed more rapidly, this one seems to sit idly by, as if it’s a loyal dog just waiting for its owner to toss it a biscuit. And yet, the biscuit never comes!

The Comments: A Gala of Reactions

In the comment area, humor intertwines with irritation in a graceful dance of responses. User ‘Celmondas’ aptly concludes that few players likely use Banshee’s on Malz as he already has a shield, hinting at the item’s questionable practicality. The debate over the item’s effectiveness arises, as it is intended to safeguard but may also hinder a character’s main ability. User ‘yehiko’ humorously refers to employing such strategies as psychological warfare tactics, suggesting an amusing yet evasive approach to dealing with the frustration caused by this bug. This light-hearted comment seems more playful than sincere, but it subtly reveals a desire to escape the intense frustration associated with this issue.

Malzahar’s Reputation on the Line

The discussion about whether Malzahar players are justified in experiencing the bug has arisen, as shown by comments such as ‘Deserved for playing Malzahar,’ from user ‘Sate_sate_sate_’. This suggests a broader player culture where champions aren’t just evaluated based on effectiveness, but also their standing within the gaming community. Champions like Malzahar elicit strong opinions due to their unique strengths and weaknesses, making players who master them walk a delicate line between being admired as strategic geniuses and shunned as feared figures. For those invested in understanding and excelling with such complex champions, the persistence of this bug can seem like an unfair blow to their overall reputation.

Riot’s Ability to Respond

In addition to the ongoing discussion, the expectations from Riot Games’ development team by players also play a significant role. Many commenters highlight the potential issues that could arise from focusing on new patches without addressing long-standing glitches. Players question whether the spotlight should be on fresh champions and items or if the recurring, yet overlooked flaws are being neglected. The wait is certainly frustrating for the community, and one user [Yejiuu] added a humorous perspective, suggesting that perhaps the bug was purposefully introduced; a way to rebalance the assistance given to Malz players, who have allegedly been favoring other players for years! This tongue-in-cheek remark underscores the complex feelings players often have towards their champions, particularly when bugs seem to advantage or disadvantage them.

As discussions on the Banshee’s Veil and Malzahar’s bug persist, it’s clear that this problem represents deeper dissatisfactions within the game. Players enjoy the perfect moments, clever strategies, even the occasional bugs that make gameplay more exciting—but ongoing issues cast a pall over the fun. Whether Riot will address these problems or they’ll remain inside jokes among League players is yet to be determined. Players show remarkable patience amidst these challenges, and their collective conversations highlight the importance of open communication from developers—after all, isn’t the essence of gaming about pressing keys with delight while grumbling over pesky, recurring bugs like a never-ending soap opera for champions?

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2024-10-15 17:13