League of Legends Skinline Under Fire: It’s Time to Revamp the Victorious Skins

As a veteran League of Legends player with over a decade under my belt, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the current state of the Victorious skinline. I remember the days when earning one felt like a monumental achievement – a testament to countless hours spent honing my skills and climbing the ranked ladder. The visual flair, the intricate designs, they were all part of what made these skins so special.

Players of League of Legends are expressing their dissatisfaction about the deteriorating quality of Victorious skins, particularly the latest release of Victorious Sona. These skins were initially created to acknowledge player success in ranked matches, but they seem to have lost their original appeal and thematic consistency. The main issues revolve around a perceived lack of creativity and visual pizzazz, with players arguing that they are not worthy of the game’s prestige or the effort required to earn them. This is in contrast to other recent skins like Immortal Journey, which is highly praised for its design efforts.

The Victorious Skin Thematic needs to be retired or be revamped
byu/Comatse inleagueoflegends


  • Players feel that the Victorious skin thematic has lost its coherence and connection to its original design.
  • The Victorious Sona skin, in particular, has drawn criticism for its lack of visual effects compared to other new skins.
  • Many players feel underwhelmed by what they perceive as a cash grab, as more skins are pushed out in shorter timeframes.
  • Overall sentiment from the community leans towards a desire for either retirement or a significant revamping of the Victorious skin line.

The Decline of Victorious Skins

As a dedicated League of Legends player, I used to feel a profound sense of pride when I earned the Victorious skinline, symbolizing my hard-won achievements in the game. However, over time, it seems the community’s feelings about these skins have shifted. Users like Comatse express concerns that the latest designs lack the charm and elegance of earlier versions, with attractive colors and captivating visual effects (VFX) seemingly diminished or vanished altogether.

Comparison with Other Skins

One of the most jarring points raised by the community was the contrast between the Victorious Sona skin and other recent releases, especially the Immortal Journey skin. Critics point out that while Immortal Journey offers unique effects and intricate designs, the Victorious Sona skin feels lacking. As user Shitconnect mentions, “Victorious Skins were something special back then,” highlighting the feeling of nostalgia many League players have regarding the prestige once commanded by this skinline. Users like RprShadow also pointed out how lower-tier versions of the skin feel bland and uninspired compared to the vibrant designs of higher ranks, creating a gap between what feels like a well-deserved result for dedicated players and a mere token for climbing the ranked ladder.

Community Sentiment

Amongst many gamers, there’s widespread dismay and a feeling of being let down, even betrayed. For instance, Autowhisky points out that in the past, players put in a lot of effort to acquire these skins because they symbolized pride in League of Legends. However, nowadays, many feel that the value of these skins has decreased because they’ve become more accessible. User Jorrozz adds an insightful perspective by mentioning how reaching gold rank used to be a significant goal for players, as it allowed them to acquire the skins, making their hard work worthwhile. But with three ranked splits per year, as noted in various comments, the Victorious skin feels less like an achievement and more like just another common skin, diluting its impact on the brand. The disappointment is palpable as players call for a return to high-quality, innovative designs that these skins once embodied.

The Future of Victorious Skins

In ongoing debates, players are expressing their expectations for substantial changes regarding the Victorious skin series. Some prefer a revamp to restore a consistent theme, while others propose retiring it to preserve its reputation. The majority insists that if Riot wants players to keep spending effort leveling up for this skin, they should enhance its design to match the investment put into it. These skins symbolize more than just visual appeal; they represent player dedication and status in the ranked gameplay community.

As a dedicated gamer, I can’t help but reflect on our shared dreams for the future. It seems clear that we crave more than just cosmetic changes. We yearn for an intricate design process that crafts unique skins, intertwining them with the game’s lore, and honoring the achievements we’ve earned along our gaming journey. Therefore, it feels like the perfect moment for Riot Games to truly hear us out, to rejuvenate the Victorious skinline, restoring the glory that once adorned the champions who bore these skins.

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2024-09-22 16:43