League of Legends: Pobelter’s Thoughts on Melee Mids and Systemic Issues

As a long-time League of Legends player and midlaner at heart, I’ve seen my fair share of meta shifts over the years. But none have been as disruptive as the current trend of melee marksmen being played in every role but support. Pobelter’s recent Reddit post resonated deeply with me, as he highlighted the systemic issues that led us to this point.

In a recent Reddit conversation, user Pobelter brought up the challenges associated with midlane champions who engage in close-quarters combat in League of Legends.

Pobelter “Melee Mids Are Worthless From Many Systemic Issues, Marksmans Broken”
byu/AspyAsparagus inleagueoflegends


  • Buffing one role repeatedly led to marksmen dominance.
  • Players express concerns about systemic issues affecting champion diversity.
  • The meta shift resulted in ADCs being played in various lanes.

Players’ Perspectives

Repeating the process of enhancing a specific role excessively while weakening aspects that ADCs traditionally struggle with results in an abundance of ADCs across various roles, making them the most powerful class in the game.

“Following the adjustments to Corki and Tristana, many players have shifted to using Zeri and Lucian in the mid lane. Should we expect these champions to be toned down as well? This is a recurring pattern.”

Based on my personal experience and observations, I believe that the power of solo lane marksmen in games was often underestimated even before the item buffs. For years, there was a common belief among players that marksmen don’t scale well with levels. However, from my perspective, this notion wasn’t entirely accurate.

Community Response

Opinions among players differ regarding the effects of champion adjustments and new items, as factors such as early advantage and champion toughness significantly shape strategic choices in-game.

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2024-07-20 08:13