League of Legends Players React to Chest Earning Changes – A Grumbling Community

As a longtime League of Legends enthusiast with countless hours invested into mastering my champions and navigating the dynamic world of Summoner’s Rift, I can’t help but feel frustrated by the recent changes to the chest earning system. It feels like Riot Games is punishing its dedicated players by replacing a straightforward and rewarding approach with an overly complex and time-consuming grind.

The way League of Legends players earn rewards, known as chests, has undergone a significant change, causing controversy among the community. A user named x1Akaidi explained the discontent by stating that instead of receiving 52 chests annually through a straightforward system, they now need to play an excessive amount of 728 games to get the same number of chests. This drastic change has resulted in many players expressing their dissatisfaction, doubting Riot Games’ reasons and design choices for this alteration.

52 S games + 728 games to get 52 chests
byu/x1Akaidi inleagueoflegends


  • Players are frustrated by the convoluted chest earning system, feeling that it requires excessive gameplay for minimal reward.
  • Many commenters believe the change reveals an intention by Riot Games to incentivize spending on in-game purchases.
  • This change has particularly upset those with limited playtime, as it appears to penalize casual players.
  • Overall sentiment leans negative, with laughter intermingled with disbelief at the drastic shift.

The Old vs. the New System

In the old League of Legends system, dedicated players were accustomed to receiving one weekly chest upon achieving an S rank, which added up to 52 chests a year, providing a sense of achievement. However, the introduction of a more complex milestone system has left many players feeling that their rewards have been diminished. Now, players must earn two chests for each champion they achieve by meeting specific gameplay counts, and getting an S rank is still part of the process but requires playing at least 15 games with one S ranking recorded. As explained by x1Akaidi, to get the same 52 chests, players now need to play a grueling 728 games – a significant increase that has definitely made the game more challenging while reducing the easy rewards players were previously enjoying.

Community Reactions

<pThe comments on x1Akaidi’s post reveal a community brimming with frustration, as many respondents echoed the sentiment that the system has taken a downturn. One user, tomi166, bluntly declared, “Absolute dogshit system”, conveying the general displeasure toward the changes. Others pointed to the randomness of unlocking chests, where half of unlocked chests contain items like champion shards or wards, expressing that the overall experience feels less rewarding. The comment from Skelyyyy about going from having multiple chests to now being stuck with keys with nothing to open embodies the consistent disappointment among those who used to enjoy the chest earning mechanics.

Perceived Intentions of Riot Games

A common topic in these discussions is the distrust toward Riot Games’ intentions behind these changes, with many suggesting that the new chest earning systems are a strategy to induce spending. For instance, player Shenstar2o expressed his feelings strongly by saying, “Well done, Riot, but I despise you and no, I will not spend money on chests if that was your goal, unless you make it possible through gameplay.” This sentiment aligns with a rising conviction among players that monetization is taking priority over player contentment. Even those who might typically spend money feel disrespected by what appears to be exploitative tactics for gaining revenue. This distrust only fuels resentment towards the developers, as each change seems to strain their credibility and patience among their long-time player base.

The Casual Player Dilemma

As a casual gamer, I’ve found myself struggling since the new chest system was introduced. Previously, I could log in for quick play sessions and still reap rewards, but now it feels like an uphill battle. It seems like I need to dedicate hours of gameplay just to receive a single chest, which can be disheartening.

It seems clear that members of the League of Legends community are voicing their shared dissatisfaction towards the updated loot box system. There’s a strong sense of longing for a simpler, more satisfying system, as many players feel they’re now spending excessive amounts of time grinding for rewards that seem less impactful. As developers strive to innovate and improve gameplay, maintaining a balance between player happiness and monetization strategies continues to be a delicate task—one that Riot Games may need to keep in mind to prevent further estranging their dedicated fanbase.

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2024-08-22 02:59