League of Legends: Carzzy’s Take on Europe’s Lax Attitude in 2021

As a dedicated fan who’s been following the European League of Legends scene for years, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions after hearing Carzzy’s revelations about the tumultuous year 2021 turned out to be. The anecdotes he shared about parties taking precedence over practice have left me with a sense of disbelief and intrigue, as I can’t help but wonder what could have been if those players had channeled their energy into scrims instead.

Discussing League of Legends, it’s not just about the battles between players, but also the cultures surrounding them that often take center stage. Recent revelations from Carzzy about the European scene in 2021 have sparked both surprise and curiosity among fans. In a Twitch interview, Carzzy spoke candidly about his team MAD Lions, revealing a lax attitude towards commitment and professionalism that became noticeable during such a challenging year. He highlighted how social activities were often preferred over practice sessions, with gatherings being more frequent than competitive scrimmages. This relaxed mindset has fueled doubts among fans about the determination and potential of EU as a region, considering its past struggles to compete with NA and its own past triumphs.

Carzzy : In 2021, nobody cared. Everyone was organizing parties. Scrims were often cancelled. Humanoid told us to rush scrims because he planned to raid on WoW
byu/blablalala10159 inleagueoflegends


  • Carzzy shares anecdotes of players choosing partying over practice, raising concerns about Europe’s competitive spirit.
  • His comments reflect a deep-seated issue with player dedication, especially during critical tournament preparation.
  • The community expresses a mix of humor and frustration, creating a discourse around priorities in esports.
  • Insights from Carzzy’s experience serve as a reminder that even top players can struggle with focus and motivation.

Carzzy’s Revelations: A Casual Culture

One surprising aspect of Carzzy’s interview was the portrayal of a culture that appeared surprisingly unconcerned about intense competition. He told an astonishing story about his teammate, Humanoid, choosing a World of Warcraft raid over practice sessions, which highlighted a peculiar juxtaposition between gaming obligations. The idea that players would arrange parties instead of concentrating on improving their game painted a troubling picture for the community. Fans couldn’t help but express their disbelief, with one Reddit user humorously stating, “Armut ate pizza AND a burger?!” This laughter reflects the disappointment felt by many who expected more from a team with such promise.

Scrims: More Canceled than Conducted

The accumulated frustrations peaked when it was discovered that MAD Lions frequently ended scrimmages prematurely, often after just a few matches. Carzzy recalled a phase during the 2021 Summer Split where his team regularly concluded practice sessions early. The premature termination of scrims, especially before significant games, left both fans and analysts questioning how the team could expect to excel without proper preparation. A user remarked, “I believed that MAD Lions in 2021 had immense potential, but it turned out they didn’t put in enough effort.” This observation resonated with many, as it mirrored their feelings of being misled by the team’s promising beginning, only to watch it crumble due to a lack of commitment. The idea that a player would choose to delve into Divinity instead of practicing League of Legends added fuel to the discussion about priorities within professional esports.

The Partying Lifestyle: A Double-Edged Sword

In the world of esports, having significant power (success) comes with a heavy responsibility to focus on both the entertainment side and competition. However, at times, it appears that players might prioritize the party aspects over the competitive aspect excessively. Carzzy shared an incident from Worlds 2020 where he woke up in an unfamiliar location after a night out at a club, causing amusement and worry among fans. One Reddit user even commented, “It’s no wonder this team struggled in play-ins.” These humorous incidents, clouded by potential serious implications, create a mixed image of the esports players’ environment. While the League of Legends community values the lightheartedness of their players, such carefree behavior can be harmful when it leads to lost opportunities and subpar performances. This raises important questions about whether the fun-centric culture provides a rejuvenating break or acts as a distraction from long-term aspirations.

Community Reactions: Humor Meets Discontent

The response from the public has been a mix of various feelings, ranging from amusement to sadness. Many users have expressed their dissatisfaction over the current state of League of Legends in Europe, likening it to a longing for the past, when teams like G2 offered optimism and thrill. One fan’s sentiment particularly echoed: “It’s really unfortunate that things have gone this way.” As players spoke up, the once inspiring atmosphere within the community appears to have turned into stories of apathy. Reactions to Carzzy’s revelations were met with humor, with users joking, “This Armut fellow seems out of control,” focusing on the absurdity of a top-tier player indulging in a pizza and burger feast before a game. These responses highlight the community’s yearning for a competitive environment while still appreciating the fun and goofy side of it.

Carzzy’s reflection on 2021 paints a picture of a tumultuous year for the League of Legends narrative. Sharing stories and laughter from the players generates more than just amusement, it stirs worries about Europe’s future in competitive play. As players juggle enjoyment and determination, viewers are left wondering if we can preserve the spirit of competitive gaming without losing its original charm. The gap between potential and neglect of responsibility shows that while fun fosters teamwork, it cannot substitute the commitment needed to succeed at the top. If Europe aims to shine in future events, the discussion ignited by Carzzy’s interview is one we should keep exploring.

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2024-08-27 09:13