Last Epoch Performance Woes: Players Voice Frustrations Over High RAM and VRAM Usage

As a long-time gamer who has seen my fair share of hardware struggles, I can relate to the frustrations expressed by x-Ryk-x and others regarding Last Epoch’s resource-heavy demands. My trusty Steam Deck, a device that once brought joy to countless gaming sessions, now seems like a distant memory when attempting to run this ARPG. It’s disheartening to see such a captivating game like Last Epoch fall short on performance for a significant portion of its player base.

In simpler terms, Last Epoch is an action role-playing game (ARPG) that attracts players due to its detailed storyline and complex gameplay elements. However, concerns about its high system requirements have caused disappointment among gamers recently. A user named ‘x-Ryk-x’ shared their struggles on the Last Epoch subreddit, especially those using devices like the Steam Deck, where the game consumes a significant amount of RAM (13.1GB) and VRAM (5.9GB). This heavy demand is concerning, more so when considering other ARPGs that perform well with less resources. Gamers are optimistic for improvements in performance through future updates.

Why is this game so demanding? 13.1gb RAM and 5.9gb VRAM in use? I can play other ARPGs that use up just half of that. My SteamDeck can’t cope for more than an hour before I have to restart it. Here’s to hoping they optimise this game soon.
byu/x-Ryk-x inLastEpoch


  • Players express frustration over Last Epoch’s high resource consumption, especially on low-end hardware like the Steam Deck.
  • Many gamers note ongoing development efforts focused on addressing optimization issues.
  • Community members share workaround solutions and experiences with memory leaks affecting gameplay.
  • The game’s reliance on the Unity engine is a recurring source of contention among players.

Community Frustration with Resource Demands

The initial post that sparked the debate highlights a common point of frustration among Last Epoch players: the game’s excessive demand for system resources. User ‘x-Ryk-x’ pointed out how their Steam Deck struggles with prolonged gameplay, requiring frequent restarts. As they noted, “My SteamDeck can’t cope for more than an hour before I have to restart it.” This frustration resonated broadly since many players feel that other ARPGs can provide equally immersive experiences without needing to swallow up so much RAM and VRAM. Despite the enjoyable gameplay, the sobering reality is that a significant number of players, particularly those with less powerful hardware, feel excluded from the Last Epoch experience.

Ongoing Optimization Efforts

Given the concerns raised by users, some have shared positive feedback about the developers’ ongoing optimization efforts. For instance, ‘moxjet200’ mentioned that the game development team is actively working on solutions such as texture streaming, breaking asset dependency chains, and fixing memory leaks. They expressed, “There’s a lot of work going into this right now with focus on texture streaming… It’s definitely improved – however, significant improvements are still underway!” This suggests that the developers are taking proactive steps, which may indicate brighter days ahead for players. While it’s uplifting to see progress being made, the ongoing challenges underscore a more extensive issue concerning resource management efficiency in an ARPG player’s experience.

Workaround Solutions from the Community

As a gamer struggling with Last Epoch’s performance problems, I’ve been digging into various solutions shared by fellow gamers that help lessen the game’s heavy resource consumption. For instance, ‘Repeats_’ provided a helpful tip about using CryoUtilities to tackle memory issues on Steam Deck devices. This seems like a practical approach and at least gives us some optimism for playing the game without too many headaches. Another player, ‘deljaroo’, suggested tweaking certain settings on the Steam Deck to prevent crashes, suggesting there are adjustments we can make to improve our gaming experiences. The collective input from the community showcases the power of cooperation in the gaming world, as we join forces to tackle issues, despite our gripes.

Criticism of the Unity Engine

At the heart of the complaints about Last Epoch is the decision to use the Unity engine, which appears to be frequently blamed for performance problems in the game. User ‘vine01’ put it plainly, “it’s Unity. It has a memory leak problem inherently,” suggesting that the issue isn’t just with how the developers are managing the game, but also with the engine itself. As performance concerns persist, this choice raises doubts about the developers and leads many to ponder if they could have chosen more efficient technologies instead. Other comments share this perspective, with players expressing surprise that the team would stick with Unity considering the potential downsides of that choice based on past experiences.

Opinions among players about Last Epoch vary widely, encompassing both intense admiration and profound discontent. This demonstrates the intricate dynamics of video game development and the diverse expectations of the gaming community. Although it’s evident that the heavy system requirements pose a significant challenge for many users, the developers’ plans for future optimizations give rise to optimism about improved performance. As players exchange ideas and solutions in open discussions, this collaboration is reminiscent of the cooperative spirit often seen within gaming communities. In the end, the Last Epoch team must carefully walk the line between delivering an exceptional gaming experience and ensuring compatibility with reasonable hardware specifications. The community is anxiously looking forward to the anticipated optimizations that will bring the game more in tune with individual gaming setups.

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2024-09-18 03:14