Last Epoch Looting Issues After Patch 1.1.5: Community Reactions and Solutions

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of game updates that left players scratching their heads—and sometimes their looting fingers too. The recent patch 1.1.5 in Last Epoch has been no exception. I’ve spent countless hours in the game, battling through dungeons and scavenging for loot, and this latest update has brought more frustration than excitement.

In the gaming world, Eleventh Hour Games’ action RPG, Last Epoch, has just released patch 1.1.5, leaving many players puzzled or even agitated about their loot collection process. Players are expressing concerns on forums about the updated looting system, stating that it seems to prioritize character movement over looting, leading to missed valuable items and feelings of frustration, bewilderment, and in some instances, a longing for past games. The community is brainstorming ideas to present to developers, hoping they’ll address this loot predicament.

Since patch 1.1.5 looting is hit-or-miss. It’s really annoying
byu/Gola_ inLastEpoch


  • The looting mechanics in Last Epoch have been negatively impacted by patch 1.1.5, leading to player frustration.
  • Several players shared their experiences of losing crucial items due to the new looting system prioritizing movement over item collection.
  • Proposed fixes from the community include expanding the loot pickup range to simplify the process.
  • Players express disbelief over how such major bugs could slip through quality assurance processes.

The Frustration of Looting

The core of the issue seems to stem from the fundamental changes made to how looting works in Last Epoch since the latest patch. One player, Eddiekn, succinctly encapsulated the sentiment felt by many: “This ‘fix one bug add another’ situation isn’t good, they really need better QA.” This raises an important point about how significant changes to a game’s mechanics can have far-reaching consequences that developers may not recognize immediately. The ability to pick up loot should feel intuitive; it should be seamless. However, players have been reporting instances where they’ve lost items in critical moments, such as after defeating a challenging boss, because their characters insist on wandering off instead of picking up the loot. The sentiment here is clear: players feel that they are not in control of their characters when they should be, and that’s not just frustrating; it’s heartbreaking.

Technical Woes and Community Reactions

“Several players have expressed confusion about the way this update was technically implemented. As Gola_ explained in a comprehensive breakdown, it appears that developers introduced a new movement system that takes precedence over looting actions. This means when you click on an empty spot on the screen, your character moves there instantly, which might also affect how mobs are targeted. The worry is that during intense battles, players may accidentally move their characters towards loot instead of positioning them strategically, causing missed items or even character deaths. This situation has sparked debates among the community about the significance of thorough pre-patch testing, with Silvershower commenting, “I can’t fathom how this code was written, tested, and merged… Only one item on the floor was considered.” Many players echo these sentiments, especially considering the potential for lost items.”

Pushing for Solutions

In the gaming community, people aren’t just complaining about issues; they’re proactively offering solutions, which is a great sign. For instance, a player named HardenMuhPants has asked for an in-game option to prevent unintended loot interactions during combat. Meanwhile, others are pooling their ideas together, like rcglinsk suggesting standing near an item and double-clicking to collect it. Even when the game mechanics aren’t perfect, players will always find creative solutions. However, many are still seeking more long-term fixes. One common idea is expanding the loot range, making items easier to gather regardless of the player’s exact position upon clicking. This kind of input underscores the dedication of the gaming community to help shape Last Epoch into its best possible version.

The Broader Impact of Game Mechanics

One of the most critical reflections from this entire debacle is the importance of game mechanics in maintaining a player-centered experience. Players invest time and emotion into their virtual journeys, and bugs that hinder their progress can lead to a significant emotional reaction. For instance, player pancakebreak lamented, “I got myself killed trying to pick up my 2LP 48% implicit, 2% raw crit Phantom Grasp after a Nemesis.” Losing a hard-earned item can hit hard, especially when players have dedicated countless hours to obtaining it. It’s clear that providing an engaging and enjoyable experience hinges on developers’ understanding of how even small changes can reverberate throughout a game’s ecosystem. As fans of Last Epoch navigate through these new, somewhat murky waters, they do so with the hope that listening to community feedback will be a priority for future updates.

The conversation surrounding the changes made in patch 1.1.5 not only reflects the frustrations of the player base but also illustrates the complexities of maintaining a harmonious balance between innovation and user experience. It’s fascinating and somewhat alarming how small nudges in mechanics can lead to considerable shifts in how a game is experienced. The robust discussion that has emerged reminds all involved—developers and players alike—that every patch should strive to enhance gameplay rather than complicate it, reinforcing the belief that community input remains a critical aspect of future updates. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the developers at Eleventh Hour Games will hear the echoes of these voices and work toward restoring the joy of looting in Last Epoch.

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2024-08-23 00:13