Last Epoch Forge Guard: Tips on Stacking Ward for a Smelter’s Wrath Build

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can attest to the fact that Last Epoch has become a fascinating playground for strategic thinkers like myself. The recent query by DravenCarey about stacking wards on Forge Guard piqued my interest, as I too have been tinkering with Smelter’s Wrath builds in search of the perfect recipe.

In the world of Last Epoch, players are frequently trying out different build tactics, and lately, an intriguing query has surfaced in the player community. A Reddit post posed by user DravenCarey asked, “Is it possible for Forge Guard to accumulate wards? If yes, how can this be achieved?” This player was aiming to optimize ward stacking for their Smelter’s Wrath build, with the goal of discovering strategies that would keep them alive until their potent abilities are triggered. The community’s feedback varied from useful tips to theoretical debates, demonstrating the vast amount of knowledge and expertise within the Last Epoch player base.

Can Forge Guard Stack Ward? If so, how?
byu/DravenCarey inLastEpoch


  • The community provided a variety of strategies to stack ward effectively for the Forge Guard class.
  • Players mentioned the significance of different passives and unique items that can enhance ward generation.
  • There was some skepticism regarding the utility of ward stacking amidst recent nerfs to key nodes.
  • Several players discussed the trade-offs of going low-life as a Forge Guard for greater ward efficiency.

Ward Stacking Strategies

A popular tactic among gamers involves transforming certain blacksmith-made weapons into shield generators that create protective wards. User Valderius noted that if you’re not concentrating on minion damage, there’s an option to make forged weapons generate wards instead of causing damage. While this reduces offensive power, it gives players a consistent ward production of 15 per weapon, which can amount to an impressive 150 wards per second if managed effectively. This strategy is appreciated by players aiming to maximize survivability during boss fights, particularly beneficial for builds that heavily rely on high-damage abilities such as Smelter’s Wrath.

The Healing Hands Node Dilemma

Historically, the “Healing Hands” node has been popular among players looking to amass wards. However, a massive 80% reduction in its power has left many questioning its utility within the game’s current dynamics. Tadrinth, another player, reminisced about the substantial ward generation provided by Healing Hands in the past, making it an attractive choice for low-life playstyle builds. While it remains usable, the diminished effectiveness necessitates a reevaluation of strategies among those who heavily depend on this node for ward stacking advantages.

Low-Life Builds: Risk and Reward

As a Forge Guard gamer, I’ve noticed a common strategy in maximizing ward stacking comes down to going “low on life.” Tadrinth suggested using Exsanguinous and Last Steps of the Living for this playstyle. The upside is enormous ward potential, but it’s risky since you essentially lose your health bar. Zethras agrees, warning that while it’s possible to stack ward with this method, it requires careful planning to avoid putting myself in danger. Striking a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of low-life builds is crucial to ensure I stay protected.

The Need for Unique Items

Players emphasized the role of special, distinct items in boosting the production of wards. Pieces of equipment like the “Vessel of Strife” and the “Twisted Heart” can significantly increase ward generation, offering players versatility when choosing their gear according to their preferred playstyle. Additionally, players pointed out that combining elemental damage-focused builds with suitable gear could result in a harmonious blend of damage output and ward production. The Fire & Ice synergy found in certain builds demonstrated that thoughtful gear selection, coupled with effective passive abilities, could lead to unique and potent outcomes. Consequently, stacking wards became an enjoyable and lucrative experience for players.

The ongoing debate about ward stacking in Last Epoch’s Forge Guard class demonstrates the ingenious tactics players are devising as they adapt to shifts in the game’s equilibrium. The enthusiasm within the community to delve into different mechanisms shows the passion players have for refining their builds. DravenCarey’s initial question ignited a lively discussion of ideas and strategies, which many players are eager to apply in their own gameplay, fostering an evolving landscape where creativity and adaptability thrive. As players continue to strategize their Smelter’s Wrath builds, the Forge Guard class is expected to see numerous creative applications and fresh perspectives on this established playstyle.

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2024-08-08 14:29