Last Epoch: Dual Wielding or Two-Handed Weapons for Spellblade Builds?

As a seasoned Last Epoch gamer with countless hours under my belt, I’ve found myself pondering the age-old question: should Spellblade builds opt for dual wielding or two-handed weapons? This debate is a contentious one within our gaming community, and I’ve personally experienced the merits of both sides.

In the game Last Epoch, Spellblade build players face a dilemma: whether to wield two weapons for enhanced damage (dual wielding) or use a single, more powerful weapon. This leads us to ponder: Is it worth sacrificing defense for greater Damage Per Second (DPS)? Let’s explore both sides of the argument!

Is dual wielding always better for spellblade?
byu/Vomitaburger inLastEpoch


  • Dual wielding offers more affixes and speed, resulting in higher damage output, but at the cost of increased damage taken.
  • Unique weapon capabilities can influence the decision between dual wielding and two-handed weapons.
  • Some builds, like Sparkcharge or Flame Reaver, have specific requirements that favor one weapon type over the other.

Dual Wielding vs. Two-Handed

In the Last Epoch online community, there’s a significant debate among players regarding the best choice for their Spellblade character: dual wielding or using two-handed weapons. User MudSama makes a strong case for the former, emphasizing several advantages. Firstly, dual wielding allows for more affixes to be active at once, leading to increased damage. Secondly, with dual wielding, the speed is often faster, resulting in higher overall damage output. Even when using a T7 attack speed weapon in two hands, MudSama argues that dual wielding comes out ahead in terms of Damage Per Second (DPS), particularly in critical builds where swiftness plays a major role in generating ward.

As a gamer in Last Epoch, I’ve discovered that wielding two weapons instead of one comes with a price. Specifically, I take a 9% flat damage debuff each time I opt for this playstyle. MudSama, an experienced player, stresses the significance of speed and ward generation in our game. He believes that the defensive advantages of a two-hander might not be enough to compensate for the enhanced damage output I can achieve with dual wielding.

An alternative viewpoint is presented by user Merquise813, who demonstrates a mana strike spellblade setup using a dagger in one hand and a catalyst off-hand. This configuration enhances attack speed and amplifies Spark Charge stacks. The selected unique catalysts, such as the Fragment of the Enigma, significantly impact the preference between wielding two weapons or employing a two-handed weapon, contingent on distinct build specifications.

Unique Weapon Capabilities

CharleySheen4 contributes to the ongoing discussion by emphasizing the significance of distinct weapon features in choosing a game strategy. Carrying two weapons at once might lead to greater damage, but the exclusive modifications on two-handed weapons or shields could grant defensive perks that surpass the increase in damaging power. CharleySheen4 recommends players think through the potential advantages of each weapon’s unique characteristics before settling on their character development plan.

As a gamer named Zethras, I’d like to highlight the distinct advantage of each weapon setup – dual wielding versus two-handers – based on my specific character build. For instance, Sparkcharge and Shatterblade classes thrive when they hold one weapon in each hand. The unique perks and harmonious interactions between their abilities make dual wielding a must-have for maximum efficiency. Conversely, other builds might favor the raw power and reach of two-handed weapons to dominate the battlefield.

Personal Experiences

YoLeaveMeAlone and Racthoh discuss their distinct Spellblade setups in Last Epoch, highlighting the varied strategies employed by players. One utilizes crystal swords for a dominating presence on the battlefield, while the other emphasizes ignite and fire aura for persistent elemental damage. The unique approaches to gameplay and preferred build styles shape their weapon selections and experiences within the game.

In Last Epoch, the choice between using dual wielded weapons and two-handed weapons for Spellblade builds ultimately depends on your preferred gameplay style, build needs, and how well unique weapon abilities fit together. Do you value speed and high damage per second (DPS), or do you prefer a more defensive approach? The Last Epoch subreddit is full of various strategies that demonstrate the game’s intricacy and depth when it comes to designing an effective Spellblade build.

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2024-07-18 08:28