Last Epoch: Damage Calculation Bugs and Player Frustrations Unleashed

As a long-time Last Epoch player, I can relate to the frustration that many of us are experiencing right now. The damage calculation bugs and broken skill trees have made it challenging to enjoy the game we love. My favorite build feels meaningless at times due to unintended overpowered outputs, which disrupts the game’s balance and purpose.

Players of Last Epoch are voicing their disappointment due to issues with damage calculations and faulty skill trees, casting doubt on the fun and effectiveness of their character setups. Let’s explore this concern in more detail within the community.

Damage calculation bugs makes cycle start feel meaningless.
byu/SarSlays inLastEpoch


  • Players are disappointed with bugged builds and overpowered unintended damage outputs.
  • The disparity between meta builds and underperforming skills is causing concern.
  • Despite flaws, some users see potential in the game’s future development.

Frustrations with Bug-Ridden Builds

As a dedicated Last Epoch gamer, I can’t help but feel disappointed whenever I encounter unintentional bugs in my build, resulting in an unfair advantage with excessive damage output. These unexpected glitches disrupt the game’s intended balance and compromise the very essence of the experience.

The Meta vs. Underwhelming Skills

Certain players, including good_guy_judas, bring up the frequent occurrence of malfunctioning synergies such as Gathering Storm and Maelstrom, expressing disappointment over the lack of enjoyment from using non-mainstream builds, and raising doubts about the effectiveness of specific skills.

Hope Amidst Criticism

In the midst of criticisms from some users, such as PlsExcuseMeThx, there is a sense of hopefulness regarding the game’s future. They stress the significance of sharing constructive feedback and recognizing the game’s capability to thrive in the long term.

Among Last Epoch gamers, feelings are a blend of displeasure over existing glitches and inconsistencies, coupled with optimism for upcoming enhancements and new material. The fervor for this game is palpable, even amidst current challenges.

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2024-07-16 10:26