Last Epoch: Community Divided Between MG and CoF Factions

As a dedicated Last Epoch player for the past year, I have had the chance to explore both the Mirage and Conclave factions. While I spent last season immersed in the competitive and meta-driven world of Mirage Guilds (MG), this season I decided to give Conclave of Fates (CoF) a try. And let me tell you, the difference in gameplay experience has been night and day!

In the Last Epoch gaming community, there is a noticeable division among players who align with either the MG (Map Generator) or CoF (Crypt of the Fallen) factions. Each group holds firm beliefs regarding their preferred gameplay style and the impact on the overall game dynamics.

Played MG last season and CoF this season. CoF is so much more fun!
byu/imaquark inLastEpoch


  • MG favored by competitive meta-driven players.
  • CoF offers more engaging gameplay and less reliance on market mechanics.
  • Players appreciate the choice between factions for diverse gaming experiences.
  • Community divided on the impact of gold exploits and item acquisition.
  • Player Experiences

    Some gamers prefer the efficiency and competition in Multiplayer Game (MG), while others prefer Campus of Heroes (CoF) for its emphasis on gameplay over market aspects. This ongoing argument persists as both sides examine the pros and cons, sparking intense discussion within the gaming community.

    Community Dynamics

    In Last Epoch, players are voicing worries about the effects of gold discoveries and market volatility, resulting in changes in allegiance towards factions. The equilibrium between the gaming experience’s challenges and economic aspects is an issue causing debate among devoted fans.

    Future Outlook

    The future of Last Epoch’s faction system is still up in the air as players assess the pros and cons of MG and CoF. The ongoing conversation about the game’s mechanics and advancement is influenced by the community’s input and personal experiences.

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2024-07-15 21:28