Last Epoch – Chat Filter Outrage Takes Reddit by Storm!

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in various online gaming communities, I can’t help but empathize with Trippintunez and other frustrated Last Epoch players. The current chat filter in the game is an unnecessary hindrance to meaningful communication among players.

As a passionate Last Epoch gamer, I’ve been noticing a growing concern among the community regarding the restrictive chat filter in the game. It’s truly disheartening to see effective communication being hindered in our favorite gaming experience.

This Chat Filter is Absurd and Needs to be Removed ASAP. Can’t Even Help Other Players.
byu/Trippintunez inLastEpoch


  • The chat filter in Last Epoch is intense, censoring game-related terms.
  • Players are struggling to have meaningful conversations due to the filter’s restrictions.
  • Some suggest reworking the filter to be less aggressive and more targeted.

Player Frustrations

Players of Last Epoch, such as Trippintunez, are frustrated by the chat filter’s excessive censorship which impedes their capacity to help others and discuss game mechanics.

Community Response

The opinions expressed by users Shin_yolo and YellowNomadGlitch align with the idea that many chat filters in games can unnecessarily restrict regular dialogue, while failing to adequately address abusive behavior.

Call for Action

Multiple individuals, among them Anogrg_ and Konggen, advocate for updating the chat filter system to focus on banning particular harmful words instead of censoring whole messages.

As a passionate gamer of Last Epoch, I strongly believe that we need to reconsider the current chat filter system. It’s clear that many players share my sentiment as there’s a growing agreement among us. The existing filter seems to hinder effective communication within our gaming community rather than promoting it. Therefore, I suggest we work together towards either removing or significantly overhauling the chat filter to foster better engagement and more meaningful interactions amongst Last Epoch gamers.

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2024-07-14 15:59