JD Vance Rallies RNC Crowd in First Address as Donald Trump’s Running Mate: ‘This Could Have Been a Day of Heartbreak and Mourning’

As a movie reviewer with a background in politics and a deep appreciation for the American story, I found JD Vance‘s speech at the Republican National Convention both powerful and poignant. His personal experiences resonated deeply with me, as I too come from a small town where jobs were shipped overseas and families were torn apart by poverty and addiction.

On the third day of the Republican National Convention last Wednesday, JD Vance took to the stage to formally receive the Vice Presidential nomination, given to him by Donald Trump.

I was thrilled when Vance made his debut on national television. But the excitement quickly gave way to concern as he spoke about the recent attempted assassination of Trump. Just four days prior, the former president had come dangerously close to being taken from us at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. A 20-year-old armed with an automatic rifle had put himself in position to inflict grave harm or even death upon Trump. Thankfully, the quick thinking and bravery of the Secret Service prevented that outcome, as they swiftly took down the assailant on the spot.

“Tonight as we gather, it’s important to acknowledge that this occasion could have taken a very different turn,” Vance reminded us from the podium. “Instead of a joyful celebration, it might have been a day filled with sorrow and grief.”

As a passionate filmgoer, I once found myself in the shoes of Vance, standing before the nation during Trump’s primetime address, sharing my personal tale. I hailed from the humble town of Middletown, Ohio – a place that had been overlooked and forsaken by Washington’s elite. We were more than just a forgotten community on the map; we were individuals with dreams, aspirations, and untold stories. Our struggles were real, and our resilience was unwavering. Through my words, I hoped to bridge the gap between those who understood our plight and those who hadn’t quite grasped the essence of small-town America.

In communities similar to mine located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and various other parts of the United States, employment opportunities were moved abroad, while young people were dispatched to fight in wars.

In the year 2022, Vance was successfully appointed as a senator representing Ohio in the Republican party. He is known for penning down the 2016 memoir titled “Hillbilly Elegy,” which chronicles his upbringing in a working-class family and their struggles with abuse, poverty, and addiction during Vance’s childhood.

On Monday, Trump declared that Senator Vance from Ohio would be his choice for vice president, expressing in a post on Truth Social that he’s the most qualified person for the role.

During the Republican National Convention, Vance voiced his disapproval of President Joe Biden’s past support for NAFTA, a trade agreement among the US, Mexico, and Canada, inciting the audience to shout, “It’s time for Joe to go!”

“Joe Biden has been a Washington politician for as long as I’ve been alive, which is over 40 years,” stated Vance at the age of 39. “During that half-century tenure, he’s advocated for every policy aiming to weaken and impoverish America.”

“During an interview, I expressed my belief that Trump is the kind of leader we need. He’s not just another puppet for big businesses but someone who genuinely cares for the common folks, whether unionized or not. Unlike some candidates, he won’t be bought by multinational corporations and instead will champion American companies and industries. I strongly oppose the Green New Deal proposed by Biden and Harris and believe it’s a scam. Instead, we should focus on reviving our great American factories.”

In his closing remarks, I acknowledge that my Republican comrades and I may not see eye to eye on every topic.

“Occasionally, we might have differing views on revitalizing American business and strengthening the American family,” he remarked. “It’s natural and even beneficial that we do so. However, let us not forget the core reason behind our united Republican Party: our deep-rooted commitment to ensuring America prospers for generations to come.”

Vance spoke straight to Trump, expressing, “Mr. President, I’ll always be grateful for your faith in me.”

In simpler terms, he assured the residents of Middletown, Ohio, as well as those in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other overlooked areas across the country, “I won’t forget my humble beginnings as your vice president.”

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2024-07-18 07:46