James Dolan Wins Dismissal of Massage Therapist’s Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

As a seasoned movie-goer and observer of the Hollywood scene, I must confess that this latest development in the Harvey Weinstein and James Dolan saga has left me both intrigued and disheartened. The film industry, once a beacon of glamour and creativity, has been plunged into a maelstrom of scandal and controversy, with allegations of sexual misconduct casting a long, dark shadow over its golden age.

As a cinephile, I’ve got to share some news about the legal world of Hollywood: A federal judge recently tossed out a sex-trafficking lawsuit aimed at Harvey Weinstein and James Dolan, concluding that there wasn’t enough proof supporting the idea of a business transaction for sexual acts.

In January, Kellye Croft, a massage therapist from Tennessee, filed a lawsuit claiming that Harvey Weinstein and Donovan Leitch (also known as Dolan), pressured her into sexual encounters. According to the suit, this occurred during the Eagles tour in 2013 with Dolan, and in 2014 at the Peninsula Hotel where she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Weinstein.

During the L.A. stretch of the Eagles tour, Croft claims she received $700 in cash daily, along with an additional $8,400, despite performing minimal massage duties, according to her lawsuit. She alleged that she was provided accommodation at a hotel not for massage services, but to be readily available for Dolan’s sexual demands. However, she expressed disgust towards him.

According to Judge Percy Anderson’s decision, Croft’s accusations didn’t meet the criteria for being classified as sex trafficking, based on the definition provided by federal law.

The plaintiff persists in assuming that the money she received was due to a romantic involvement with Dolan, rather than being employed as a masseuse for the tour,” the judge stated.

Croft further asserted that she was told about extra assignments on different tours, and felt it could jeopardize these prospects if she declined Dolan’s offer. However, the judge deemed this argument insufficient to substantiate a charge of human trafficking.

The judge stated that the complaint suggests several motives for the plaintiff’s ongoing relationship with Dolan, such as loneliness and potential romantic sentiments, but it does not clearly connect the supposed promises’ timing with the decision to participate in the alleged inappropriate behavior.

James Dolan holds the reins over the New York Knicks and Rangers, along with venues such as Madison Square Garden, the Sphere in Las Vegas, and more. In a public announcement, Dolan’s representative stated that the legal team guiding Croft, headed by Douglas Wigdor, is already representing Charles Oakley – a long-time litigant against Dolan due to an incident involving his ejection from a Knicks game.

The spokesperson expressed great relief over the dropped lawsuit, which they described as a malicious attempt by an attorney to make false claims, exploiting the legal system for personal profit.

As a devoted cinephile, I’m sharing that Croft’s legal team has announced their intention to challenge the court decision in front of the 9th Circuit.

Kevin Mintzer and Meredith Firetog expressed their differing view from the District Court’s ruling, stating they feel it misconstrues the federal sex trafficking law and weakens essential safeguards for victims of sex trafficking. They plan to file an appeal, optimistic that the Court of Appeals will rectify this perceived injustice.

In 2017, when Weinstein’s sexual abuse scandal broke out, he was subsequently sued for alleged sex trafficking. Some of the accusers managed to make a case that his promises of professional advancement in return for sexual favors could be considered forced prostitution. This was viewed as an innovative interpretation of the law.

The judge discarded the accusations of sexual battery and sexual assault against both Dolan and Weinstein, deciding that the federal court no longer has authority to handle these cases once the trafficking charge is dropped. However, these charges can still be brought up again, either in a state court or in the federal court if their appeal is successful.

Regarding Ms. Croft’s allegations of sexual battery against James Dolan and Harvey Weinstein, we will persistently carry on with these claims. These accusations have not been affected by the recent decision, and our commitment to supporting Ms. Croft remains strong. The battle for Ms. Croft is just getting started.

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2024-09-20 01:18