Jade PG: 7 DAYS TO DIE Console Servers soon? Fixes Incoming! New Survival The Legacy & The Last Whisper!

As a dedicated fan of survival games and a follower of Jade PG’s YouTube channel, I am thrilled to hear about the potential early release of console servers and crossplay for 7 DAYS TO DIE. The opportunity to host my own server and play with friends on different platforms is an exciting prospect that I have long been waiting for.

Jade PG shares news about the upcoming console server updates for 7 DAYS TO DIE, resolving existing issues. Additionally, she announces the arrival of two fresh zombie survival games: The Legacy and The Last Whisper. Let’s explore further!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Console servers and crossplay for 7 DAYS TO DIE may be released sooner than expected.
  • Players have been experiencing issues with storage boxes, but a fix is on the way.
  • Bandits, originally planned for the latest update, have been delayed until early next year.
  • Customizable loot spawns and mods will not be available on consoles in the near future.

Console Servers and Crossplay:

7 DAYS TO DIE console gamers receive thrilling updates from Jade PG! The eagerly awaited console servers and crossplay functionality might debut earlier than projected. Developers Fun Pimps are diligently working on crossplay integration, aiming to unveil it as swiftly as they can. This means that players will have the freedom to join games with a multitude of participants on Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, or PlayStation 5 by connecting to various servers. This is particularly exciting for console users who don’t own PCs because it offers them a chance to host their own servers and play with friends across platforms.

Fixes and Updates:

One problem that gamers have been encountering is the disappearance of items from their storage containers. The 7 DAYS TO DIE team has announced on Twitter that they’re working on a solution. In the interim, players are warned against renaming their storage boxes to prevent possible equipment loss. This method isn’t definitive, but some gamers claim it works by leaving their storage boxes empty or with no name. Furthermore, the rollout of bandits, an exciting new feature, has been postponed until early next year.

Customization and Mods:

As a console gamer, I’m excited about the upcoming addition of dedicated servers. However, it’s essential to understand that we might not get the same level of customization and access to mods as our PC counterparts. The developers haven’t officially supported console mods yet, and there are no plans for their introduction before late 2025.

New Zombie Survival Games:

Jade PG unveils two fresh zombie survival titles: The Legacy and The Last Whisper. In The Legacy, a team of up to four players collaborates in an expansive open-world setting, with a strong emphasis on supernatural aspects. The game allows for base construction and joint exploration. Contrastingly, The Last Whisper merges traits from Once Human and 7 DAYS TO DIE. It boasts vehicles, multiplayer functionality, and player versus player combat. Though both games exhibit potential, The Last Whisper has garnered mixed feedback on Steam, so it’s recommended to exercise patience for future improvements before playing.

As someone who’s been following Jade PG for a while now, I can tell you that their latest update is chock-full of exciting news and developments. From what I’ve gathered, it seems they have some thrilling survival game content in store for us, not to mention a Let’s Play series of 7 DAYS TO DIE coming up. Having been an avid fan of Jade PG’s work, I can hardly contain my excitement! So, stay tuned, folks. We’re in for a treat. And until then, have a fantastic day!

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2024-07-30 19:43