Is Ranked in Smite Worth the Grind? Community Opinions Unraveled

As a veteran Smite player with countless hours logged into both casual and ranked modes, I have experienced the full gamut of emotions that this game has to offer. While I understand the appeal of casual play, where one can experiment and enjoy the game without the pressure of ranks, there’s something about the competitive edge that ranked matches provide that keeps me coming back for more.

For decades, Smite has been a go-to choice in the world of multiplayer online battle arena games, fostering an active community due to its distinct roster of characters and tactical gameplay. Lately, a post on the Smite subreddit by user Madlogger13 ignited intriguing debates about the importance of ranked play in Smite versus casual options. As numerous players voiced their experiences and feelings, it was evident that opinions were divided, with some expressing annoyance over ranked matchmaking while others praised its competitive aspect.

What is your opinion on ranked on smite? Worth playing? Prefer casuals?
byu/Madlogger13 inSmite


  • Mixed feelings abound in the Smite community about ranked matches, with many players finding it overly toxic and frustrating.
  • Some users prefer casual modes, citing less pressure and a more enjoyable environment.
  • Others appreciate the challenge of ranked play, especially when playing with friends in duo queues.
  • The anticipation for Smite 2 is influencing opinions on current ranked gameplay, leading to considerations of its relevance.

Toxicity in Ranked Matches

As a passionate gamer, I share the concerns voiced by many players regarding the toxic environment in ranked games. User Bulky-Ad3993 puts it bluntly, saying “Ranked is just a pile of toxic crap, stick with casuals.” This sentiment echoes the feelings of others, like Nbc27, who explains that ranked games are similar to casuals but with more anger and frustration. It seems that the high stakes of ranks lead players to be overly serious and less tolerant of mistakes.

The Joy of Casual Games

In simpler terms, people often find casual games more appealing than competitive ranked ones because they offer a less stressful environment for learning and experimenting with the game. For instance, user 1rstbatman enjoys playing Smite frequently but prefers casual modes as dedicating too much time to ranked could reduce his overall playtime. Many players enjoy the freedom that casual modes provide, such as the ability to try out various characters and strategies without worrying about damaging their rank. Some even hope that toxic players would shift to ranked games so that everyone else can enjoy casuals without disturbance. Essentially, the appeal of casual games lies in the chance to have fun without the pressure or consequences associated with ranked play.

The Challenge and Rewards of Ranked Play

While it’s true that not all players shy away from ranked play; on the contrary, some find it invigorating due to its competitive nature. For these individuals, the opportunity to enhance their skills and rise through the ranks is exhilarating, as expressed by user Boring_Neighborhood who views ranked as a platform for those eager to “showcase their best Smite.” Even acknowledging the potential for toxicity, some players find the challenge enticing, seeing it as an opportunity to bolster their gameplay. Player pbo_beats echoes this sentiment, noting that the competition and occasional victories in ranked play provide a unique sense of satisfaction that surpasses casual gaming. Essentially, climbing the ranks offers a fulfilling experience, particularly for those who thrive on competition, making them return to the battlefield despite past setbacks.

The Future of Smite and Its Ranked Scene

The upcoming launch of Smite 2 creates uncertainty about the value of participating in ranked games within the original Smite. For instance, user sadman95 argues that given the approaching new game, there’s minimal motivation to put maximum effort into current ranked play, stating, “Investing in ranked during S11 with Smite 2 either dying or thriving seems unnecessary.” This viewpoint sparks debates about whether competitive matches will remain relevant as players await the arrival of a fresh Smite experience. Users like Doparimac and TTGunlimited express concerns over balance issues and fair matchmaking, implying these problems diminish the usual pleasure derived from competitive modes. The conversation leaves many participants questioning if it’s worth dedicating time to ranked games when a significant change is imminent.

The discourse on the Smite subreddit showcases a variety of player sentiments about ranked gameplay. At one extreme are those who dislike the toxicity and prefer the relaxed atmosphere of casual interactions. On the other side, there are players who embrace the competitive nature of ranked games, even with its challenges. As the Smite community expands and changes, these perspectives will significantly impact the game’s development, particularly as we approach the release of Smite 2. Whether you’re battling through ranked matches or just enjoying casual play, it’s evident that Smite will continue to inspire strong opinions and lively discussions for a long time.

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2024-08-12 05:58