Is Rank Balance in Valorant Fair? Community Reactions Explored

As a long-time Valorant player and someone who has experienced the rollercoaster that is ranked matchmaking, I find myself nodding along with user NoobsGetLs and their post about the perceived unfairness in the system. The game can feel like an endless cycle of facing opponents far beyond our ranks or being outmatched by players seemingly from another dimension.

Lately, Valorant has been generating lots of conversations, particularly regarding the fairness of the matchmaking process in ranked matches. A user named NoobsGetLs recently voiced their discontent about facing a team consisting of three Ascendant players while they were part of a Gold-Platinum lobby. This significant gap raises concerns about the game’s matchmaking system’s honesty. Many other players have shared similar sentiments, questioning how such mismatched games can be deemed fair. In fact, NoobsGetLs highlighted that even during warm-up sessions, they could face a player far beyond their rank, potentially spoiling their entire game. This widespread frustration has led to a flurry of comments discussing the matchmaking system and calling for a closer look at how Valorant manages competitive play.

How is this fair in ranked?
byu/NoobsGetLs inVALORANT


  • The post sparked discussions about the perceived inequity in ranked matchmaking in Valorant.
  • Players shared personal stories, often pointing to their own frustrating experiences with matchmaking.
  • The community is split, with some suggesting the matchmaking is working as intended while others feel it’s fundamentally flawed.
  • There’s a sense of camaraderie in shared frustrations, coming together as players grapple with the same challenges.

Experiencing the Frustration of Ranked

The main thread of the post revolves around the players’ feelings of being misled by ranked matchmaking. User NoobsGetLs captures the sentiment perfectly by emphasizing, “How is it fair for the enemy team to go against 3 ascendant players when this is only a gold-plat lobby?” This strikes a chord with many gamers who’ve faced similar fates, where even a single higher-ranked player can drastically shift the dynamics of the game. Within the comments, players have shared tales of their own experiences where they’ve found themselves in seemingly impossible situations, throwing them into matches where victory feels unattainable.

The Role of Hidden MMR

User antonguay2 introduces the idea of a concealed matchmaking rating (MMR), a topic often debated within gaming communities. This ‘hidden MMR’ secretly assesses a player’s performance, not immediately visible to them. This means that a player might excel in regular matches without earning a corresponding rank, consequently encountering more skilled opponents. Many others agreed with this observation, suggesting that the visible rank doesn’t always accurately represent a player’s true skill level. These hidden factors can lead to mismatches that leave players bewildered when facing opponents who appear to have vastly different abilities.

5-Stacks and Their Impact

User dirtycurtainn remarks, “The situation involving five-person teams is quite intriguing.” They explain that being part of a five-person team frequently leads to facing teams with higher ranks, which can be problematic for individual players seeking a fair matchup. Their stories about dominating figures among their friends, referred to as Queen Bees and Kingpins, highlight this issue for solo players. It appears that the system’s efforts to pair teams based on past performance may result in games with significant disparity. This brings attention to the importance of a balanced matchmaking experience that caters to both individual players and those who prefer organized teams, emphasizing fairness in multiplayer gaming.

Encounters in Unrated Matches

According to NoobsGetLs, it’s not just ranked matches that cause frustration; there are noticeable discrepancies even in casual games. Running into players who are significantly better than you can be quite jarring, especially when you thought you were just warming up. It’s disheartening to find such skilled opponents, as if everyone has their own horror story. Many players have complained about how unrated matches can turn into nightmares when they unexpectedly encounter high-ranked players. This sentiment is shared by many, who express disappointment as they try to improve, only to face a challenge they didn’t anticipate, completely ruining the experience.

Possible Solutions and Future Improvements

<pThe community conversation has also touched upon potential solutions. One user suggested rethinking the matchmaking algorithms to balance rank disparities better. A refined system could help mitigate the frustration players currently feel—ensuring that matchmaking is much more representative of actual skills rather than merely visible ranks on a feed. This sentiment of overhauling the system isn’t sorely misplaced as players want to fight fair battles, rather than shouldering the weight of players who have drastically different skill levels. The dialogue hints at a desire for developers to remain vigilant and open to changes to improve the experience for everyday players.

Based on these findings, it’s clear that Valorant’s matchmaking process has sparked quite a bit of conversation among players. Whether they’re venting about a tough game or strategizing to tackle the intricate system of matchmaking, everyone seems to agree that maintaining a fair rank is an intricate yet crucial issue. The demand for a more balanced system persists within the community, as players find themselves not just fighting their opponents but also dealing with the unpredictable nature of matchmaking itself.

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2024-09-17 23:58