Is MG Still Cooked Following the Gold Dupes? Exploring Last Epoch Community Sentiments

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of economies in MMORPGs fluctuate due to various factors. In the case of Last Epoch, the ongoing debate about the impact of gold dupes on the Marketplace (MG) economy is a topic that hits close to home for me.

In the Last Epoch online community on Reddit, members are debating if the game’s economy continues to be influenced by past gold exploits. Different perspectives emerge, with some pointing out the significant differences in the availability and cost of rare items, impacting both popular and lesser-used character builds.

Is MG still cooked following the gold dupes?
byu/NarbGaming inLastEpoch


  • Player experiences vary based on build types and desired item rarity.
  • MG remains a viable option for gearing up, but certain meta items can be prohibitively expensive.
  • Duping and item rarity contribute to the fluctuating market prices and availability.

Sentiments on MG’s State

Some players share a varied range of opinions, with certain individuals highlighting the importance of having easy access to meta items based on their gameplay approach and financial capabilities. A specific comment reads, “Meta items costing 2 LP or more are beyond the means of typical gamers.”

Challenges with Meta Gear

As a dedicated player, I’ve noticed a striking difference in prices between meta and non-meta items. These price discrepancies can significantly hinder my ability to construct desired builds. Some players assert that the game economy leans toward underutilized choices because of reduced demand.

Market Dynamics and Player Experiences

Players ponder the intricacies of maintaining equilibrium between supply and demand in the MG economy, expressing difficulties in acquiring certain T7 and high-demand unique items. Although aware of the potential repercussions of duplicates, players recognize the underlying complexities of this dynamic market.

In the midst of ongoing debates, it’s become apparent that Last Epoch’s economic landscape is constantly shifting. This change brings both hurdles and prospects for players aiming to acquire the best equipment for their character setups.

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2024-07-21 04:28