Is Call of Duty Still Worth Playing? Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts

As a long-time fan of the Call of Duty franchise, I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia when I think back to the good old days of Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). The adrenaline rush of playing on iconic maps like Station and Favela, the thrill of competitive game modes like Search and Destroy, and the camaraderie with my teammates in a party chat – those memories are etched deeply into my gaming history.

Curious about the present condition of Call of Duty series? Let’s find out based on the opinions shared by Reddit community.

[CoD] How is CoD these days?
byu/Leek92 inCallOfDuty


  • Older fans feel the newer games don’t live up to the classics.
  • Players criticize the heavy skill-based matchmaking and lackluster gameplay.
  • Some enjoy the new games when viewed as separate from the original series.

Reactions to Newer Games

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve noticed some frustration among the Call of Duty community regarding the latest releases. Many players have shared their concerns about the altered movement mechanics and reduced Time to Kill (TTK). In simpler terms, they feel that it takes longer for an opponent to die after being shot, making the game less satisfying and more challenging in a negative way.

Player Experience

As an engaged player, I’ve noticed some concerns that need addressing in the gaming community. For instance, there are instances where talented players feel they’re being suppressed or “shadow banned,” preventing them from advancing in the game. Additionally, active users who participate in chat rooms frequently find themselves temporarily banned without clear reasons. Lastly, competitive modes seem to be infested with hackers, making it harder for fair play and enjoyable experiences for all. These issues demand attention and solutions from game developers to ensure a level playing field and positive community environment for everyone involved.

Comparing Past and Present

Some people think that the quality of the franchise has gone down compared to earlier hits like Modern Warfare 2, as more recent games have fallen short in delivering the enchantment that characterized the initial installments.

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2024-07-23 18:43