Is Assault Mode in Smite Becoming Too Unbalanced? Community Opinions Explored

As a seasoned Smite veteran with years of battles under my belt, I find myself deeply immersed in the recent discourse surrounding Assault mode’s balance issues. Having faced my fair share of overpowering warriors and tanks, I can empathize with Prestigious_Berry935’s frustration—it feels like dancing with a rhinoceros at times!

Smite players are buzzing about the balance issues in the game’s Assault mode, with many fans weighing in on how the roles of tanks and warriors skew gameplay. The original post by user Prestigious_Berry935 points out the challenges that come with facing overpowering warriors and tanks in Assault matches. While these characters can dominate the battlefield, squishier characters such as ADCs and mages often feel like they don’t stand a chance, leading to what many are calling a “victim simulator” scenario. This conversation has sparked passionate responses from Redditors, showcasing a mixture of frustration, strategy discussions, and a sense of acceptance regarding the game’s casual nature.

Assault is getting out of hand
byu/Prestigious_Berry935 inSmite


  • The post highlights perceived balance issues in Smite’s Assault mode, particularly around the dominance of tanks and warriors.
  • Community responses range from frustration regarding character imbalance to emphasizing the need for better player positioning.
  • While some players believe tweaks are necessary, others argue that the casual nature of Assault doesn’t warrant major changes.
  • The discussion reflects a mix of humor and genuine strategy, showcasing the nuanced approach players take to the game.

The Rise of the Warriors

In the initial post, it’s clear that players have a significant issue with the dominance of characters such as Wukong and Cthulhu during Assault play. Prestigious_Berry935 shares an experience of facing a previous SPL player in a game, highlighting the intense competition found even within casual modes. The annoyance arises because these characters can swiftly charge into enemy territory, causing havoc, which leaves mages and ADCs with limited responses. As JanSolo28 explains, even when a powerful mage is on their team, the responsibility of carrying an imbalanced team still falls heavily upon them. It appears that many players feel tanks or warriors have an unchecked freedom to wreak havoc, while squishy characters are left trying to predict their actions.

Strategies for Squishies

Even though there are complaints about handling tough opponents, certain players propose different strategies to tackle such challenges. As an example, RandomToga suggests waiting for the heavy warriors to charge first before striking back. They emphasize that successful gameplay involves not only patience but also strategic positioning – the squishier characters should stay out of harm’s way and make use of their unique abilities instead. Taboe44 and Ldeue24 echo this view by highlighting how proper positioning can significantly reduce damage taken early in the game. Instead of pointing fingers at character balance, some players advocate for enhancing individual skills, arguing that many losses could be prevented through better timing, teamwork, and coordination.

The Nature of Assault Mode

During the discussion, Solve_My_Enigma proposes shifting our thoughts about the Assault mode, suggesting it’s less about maintaining strict balance and more about enjoying an unpredictable, laid-back experience. They argue that Assault could be a great way to learn or have friendly competition rather than focusing on perfectly balanced matches. This viewpoint contrasts with the belief that all game modes should always prioritize fairness. It even adds a touch of humor by embracing the mode’s chaos, making it enjoyable for more casual players. So, could we say that the imbalances in Assault are part of what makes it appealing and fun rather than serious competition?

Community Split: Balance or Fun?

It’s fascinating to note the varying perspectives within this Reddit discussion about Smite. On one hand, there are users who believe the gameplay needs adjustment for a fairer environment, while on the other, there are those who enjoy the excitement of unpredictable and risky matches. The idea that a game should be changed solely due to difficulty faced by some players can raise eyebrows among those who understand that sometimes, one must adapt. They encourage players to meet their criticisms with a touch of good humor. As this argument continues, it seems clear that the community is divided between those seeking an edge in competition and those cherishing Smite’s innate unpredictability.

In the ongoing debates about the supposed imbalances in Smite’s Assault mode, it’s evident that the gaming community stays closely connected, appreciating both the struggles and victories embedded within the game. Some players push for significant changes, while others simply relish the laid-back feel of the mode. This vibrant conversation underscores the diverse experiences found in Smite’s virtual world. With each game, players pick up new strategies, adapt, and even chuckle at the pandemonium that arises, demonstrating that even during imbalances, there’s a common path worth experiencing together.

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2024-08-21 06:43