Is Alter the Most Overlooked Legend in Apex Legends? Here’s What Players Think

As a dedicated fan of Apex Legends, I have spent countless hours mastering various characters and strategizing with my team to secure victories. The recent Reddit thread questioning whether Alter is being overlooked has piqued my interest and ignited a heated debate within the community.

1) In a recent Reddit post, a user named No_Tangelo7221 posed the question: “Is the character Alter being overlooked?” This query started a discussion about Alter’s abilities, role within the game, and how she fares in the current meta. While some players expressed their admiration for Alter’s kit and playstyle, others highlighted her weaknesses that make her less effective in intense matches. It seems that Alter not only has dedicated fans but also critics who debate her usefulness in competitive play.

Is Alter being slept on?
byu/No_Tangelo7221 inapexlegends


  • Some players argue that Alter offers a fun and unique gameplay experience, while others find her abilities to be situational.
  • The sentiment around Alter seems divided—she has loyal supporters but equally vocal critics.
  • Comments suggest that Alter’s effectiveness heavily depends on team composition and player skill.
  • Concerns about her abilities being overshadowed by other legends that offer more consistent utility have emerged.

The Love for Alter

1) In the realm of Apex Legends, Alter has earned affection from a select group of enthusiasts. Numerous gamers extol her kit, labeling it as ‘pure enjoyment,’ providing excitement in both casual and competitive matches. User B3amb00m succinctly captured this feeling by saying, ‘I believe it’s one of the most ENJOYABLE skillsets. And let me tell you, if you master her mechanics, she’s just as effective as any character for advancing.’ Players admire how Alter can turn the tide in favorable situations, with her abilities potentially enhancing the team’s gameplay significantly. However, this enjoyment is frequently restricted to players familiar with her mechanics, indicating a gap within the community between those who comprehend her potential and those who do not.

The Unfortunate Circumstances

Despite Alter’s potential to be a valuable team member, it appears her effectiveness can greatly depend on the situation. For example, feedback suggests that team coordination during matches is sometimes poor, especially regarding her ultimate ability. As HonoderaGetsuyo points out, “The main problem is getting your random teammates to grasp how her ult works and use the Nexus.” This scenario is quite common in Apex Legends, where a character’s success often relies on team harmony. Alter can be an asset in a well-coordinated group, but her usefulness in randomly matched games is frequently questioned. Balancing communication with the fast-paced gameplay of battle royales can be difficult, leading to frustration not only for players using Alter but also their teammates.

The Detractors Speak Up

From another perspective, some players have raised concerns about Alter’s ability to compete with other legendary characters. Reggas offered a balanced assessment, pointing out that Alter’s Ultimate move is not fast enough for close quarters. In high-pressure scenarios where quick decisions are necessary, Alter’s power may seem sluggish and unresponsive. Several users have noted that while they enjoy her unique gameplay features, other characters can pull off strategies more efficiently. Criticisms such as “she’s just awful” and “her abilities are all bland,” reflect the community’s frustration with Alter’s performance. Many believe she falls short when compared to more adaptable champions like Pathfinder or Wraith. Despite her occasional strengths, Alter is often overshadowed in the competitive scene.

Situational Savior or Just Meh?

As a passionate gamer, I’ve noticed in this competitive world that a character’s triumph isn’t solely based on their individual skills, but also their harmony with their teammates. My observations mirror this thought when I say, ‘Alter is the epitome of “offensive support,” yet the challenge lies in finding teammates to truly exploit her potential.’ This dependence on companions can be a delicate balance – while it’s rewarding to play Alter with my squad, finding a compatible match in solo mode can sometimes feel like taking a risk. Generally speaking, most gamers concur that Alter thrives in a well-coordinated group, but when teamed up with random players who may not leverage her abilities optimally, she often falters. It’s a familiar scenario where the right environment is essential to truly appreciate a character’s strengths.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that the feelings towards Alter in Apex Legends can be quite complex. On one hand, I love her quirks and strategic abilities that set her apart from other legends. But on the other hand, I get frustrated when her effectiveness is questioned during intense battles. It’s essential for me and my team to communicate effectively and strategize together to maximize Alter’s unique strengths. Some players may prefer more straightforward champions, but Alter adds an exciting element to the game that keeps things fresh and unpredictable. Overall, she may not be a household name among legends yet, but I believe that she brings a special joy to the competition, reminding us that even the lesser-known characters can make a significant impact.

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2024-07-29 23:43