i0ki: The Absolute BEST Build for Aurora Support

As a dedicated fan of i0ki and a frequent watcher of his content, I couldn’t help but be excited when I saw him release a new video focusing on Aurora support. Aurora is one of my favorite champions in the game, and I’ve always been curious about her potential as a support pick. In this video, i0ki not only validated my curiosity but also showed me how to unlock Aurora’s true potential in the support role.

In his most recent video, i0ki explores the realm of Aurora’s capabilities as a support champion, providing an optimal build for this frequently underestimated hero. Aurora is recognized for her limited range yet impressive damage output, but i0ki demonstrates how to fully harness her powers and take control in the game.

If you enjoy this content, consider subscribing to i0ki’s YouTube channel!

Key Takeaways:

  • Electrocute is the highest win rate rune for Aurora support, providing higher base damage and the ability to proc it with one spell.
  • Aurora’s short range is her biggest weakness, but it can be overcome by playing aggressively and utilizing her full kit.
  • Aurora is considered a low econ champion, meaning she can do a lot of damage with just one item.
  • Her bread and butter combo is Q-E, followed by maximizing damage before recasting Q.

The Best Build for Aurora Support:

In the video, i0ki demonstrates an optimal Aurora support setup, emphasizing maximum burn damage. The suggested equipment include Liandry’s Anguish and potentially Blackfire Aegis. With this configuration, Aurora becomes a crucial factor in team clashes, inflicting immense harm.

Playing Aurora in the Support Role:

Aurora offers a distinctive approach to the support character, boasting a harmonious kit that is enjoyable to employ. Her ultimate skill serves multiple purposes, enabling smart engagements or daring escapes, thus making her a versatile figure. Although she may fall short in delivering rigid crowd control (CC), Aurora’s capability to immobilize enemies presents opportunities for strategic assassinations and group confrontations.

As a gamer, I’ve watched i0ki’s video featuring Aurora as a support character, and the community reaction was diverse. Some players were intrigued by the prospect of trying out Aurora support, while others voiced concerns about her effectiveness in top-tier games. Regardless, it’s evident that with the right playstyle and strategy, Aurora can be an exceptional support pick.

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2024-07-20 20:16