„I Think I’m Just So Used to It”. Angelina Jolie's Classy Response to the Producer, Who Called Her a „Minimally Talented Spoiled Brat”

As a seasoned movie enthusiast who has witnessed numerous behind-the-scenes dramas, I can’t help but admire Angelina Jolie’s resilience and grace in the face of adversity. The fact that she was called a “minimally talented spoiled brat” by Scott Rudin, yet she remained unfazed and unbothered, speaks volumes about her character.

Back in 2011, Angelina Jolie got tied up with Brian Helgeland’s eventually scrapped movie project about Cleopatra, which was intended to be helmed by David Fincher. However, her participation appeared to create some complications, as suggested by emails between Amy Pascal, a former co-chairman at Sony Pictures, and producer Scott Rudin.

2014 saw the release of emails revealing that Rudin was displeased by Jolie’s choice of Fincher for the movie “Cleopatra,” as he himself desired a director for a film about Steven Jobs. In a discussion about this, Rudin allegedly referred to Angelina Jolie as an “under-talented brat with spoiled tendencies.

In an interview with The New York Times, the actress was questioned about the producer’s comments. Responding gracefully, she asserted that his words held no impact on her whatsoever. Jolie shared that she is accustomed to facing personal criticisms, and thus, she showed no worry over Rudin’s statements without elaborating further. In fact, she admitted to not having read the emails herself, but was only informed about their content by someone else.

There are some things that irritate me, while others do not. Criticisms or personal attacks directed at me? I’ve grown accustomed to dealing with such situations.

Regarding the actress, she didn’t provide extensive comments about the issue. Contrarily, as for Cleopatra, the production wasn’t completed. Notably, Fincher opted out of directing the Steve Jobs movie that Danny Boyle ultimately helmed.

Set-related issues aren’t rare, just like disputes between artists and production teams. Even Julia Roberts encountered one, and it revolved around the movie “Shakespeare in Love”, which wasn’t produced until much later, by another group of people.

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2024-09-11 12:01