How to Start Aquarius Expedition 15 in NMS

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent traversing the vast cosmos of No Man’s Sky, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as the developers at Hello Games continue to enrich the game with each update. The latest addition – Aquarius, featuring the long-awaited fishing mechanic, has certainly piqued my interest. But what truly sets my heart racing is the announcement of yet another Expedition, also named Aquarius.

Developers of No Man’s Sky never cease to innovate, continually enhancing the game with each update. And guess what? There’s a big one here! Named Aquarius, it introduces an exciting new mechanic – fishing. If you’re a fan, this could be just the thing for you. But wait, Hello Games didn’t stop there. They’ve also announced a new Expedition named Aquarius. Quite predictable, don’t you think? In this guide, we will show you how to embark on this adventure

How to Start Aquarius Expedition 15 in NMS – Traditional Way

If you’re a seasoned gamer or prefer a tougher experience, you can opt to begin Expedition 15 anew. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. In the main menu pick Play or Join Friends.
  2. Next, choose the New Game from the list of saves.
  3. Now, pick the Community Expedition window from the lower right corner.
  4. You are ready to start.

How to Start Aquarius Expedition 15 in NMS – New Way

This method isn’t entirely novel, as it was first presented during Expedition 12, Omega. Therefore, it can be considered relatively recent. This feature lets you retrieve certain items from your primary save. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Start your regular game.
  2. Travel to Anomaly.
  3. Find and interact with Expedition Terminus.
  4. Lastly, create loadout which you want to take with yourself.
  5. You will not be able to use those things from the beginning. To do that, you will have to visit Anomaly in Expedition 15 Aquarius, first. Remember to have a proper amount of Nanites with you to pay for it.

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2024-09-04 18:34