How to Revamp Stormseeker in Smite: Community Suggestions for Improvement

As a seasoned Smite gamer with countless hours spent in the arena, I can empathize with the collective frustration voiced by fellow players regarding the underperforming Stormseeker item. Over the years, I’ve watched this item gather dust in my inventory, often questioning its purpose as I opt for more reliable alternatives. The recent discussion on the Smite subreddit has sparked a glimmer of hope that Stormseeker might finally see some much-needed love.

In Smite’s dynamic competitive environment, adjustments are frequently made to mirror community input and ensure gameplay balance. A recent discussion on the Smite subreddit centered around enhancing one of the game’s most contested items: Stormseeker. The initial post expressed concerns about its poor reputation as ‘one of, if not the worst items in the game’. Ideas for buffing it were invited, and one proposal suggested granting extra stacks to players for hitting minions and jungle creatures. This idea ignited a flurry of responses from the community.

Since it’s still considered to be one of, if not the worst item in the game, how would you buff Stormseeker?
byu/RemoteWhile5881 inSmite


  • The Smite community largely agrees that Stormseeker needs a buff, as most consider it underwhelming.
  • Suggestions vary from increasing stacks on minions to enhancing base stats, showcasing players’ creativity.
  • Many users highlight balancing concerns, expressing the need for a solution that doesn’t disrupt competitive gameplay.
  • Some proposals include stack multipliers and combo systems to make the item more engaging and rewarding.

Community Sentiment

The general feeling towards Stormseeker among players is predominantly one of annoyance and disillusionment. Numerous players have voiced their discontent about its current state on the subreddit. User Xz_HappyHobo_zX, for instance, expressed his disappointment by saying, “What a terrible item; it’s baffling to me why so many carries build it as their first item and only manage 30 stacks by the end of the match.” This sentiment is shared by many who find this item to be ineffective, especially during the crucial early stages of the game where other items can provide immediate advantages in terms of damage output and utility.

Buff Suggestions

When trying to find answers, users have come up with numerous creative suggestions. One significant idea from BolinhoDeArrozB involves lowering the attack speed (AS) per stack while enabling stacking on minions and increasing the number of stacks gained per hit. This change makes the item easier to obtain and motivates carries to modify their playstyle. In a similar vein, user Annazyla suggested an uncomplicated increase in the number of stacks gained from hits to enhance its usefulness. These ideas highlight a preference for a balance that rewards players without overwhelming novice or less-skilled gamers.

Balancing Concerns

Although there’s enthusiasm for enhancing Stormseeker, there’s also a note of caution in community chats. Players understand the importance of equilibrium and, as tonyleungnl pointed out, “It’s tricky to strike a balance.” This highlights the delicate act developers must perform to prevent any single item from overshadowing others. Many players share concerns about creating a scenario where the item becomes essential for certain builds, potentially causing more instability in the game. As a result, while advancements are desired, maintaining overall game harmony remains the top priority.

Innovative Ideas and Creative Buffs

Various innovative thoughts have surfaced regarding the Stormseeker item. One user, Like17Badgers, proposed a system where hitting enemy gods multiple times consecutively results in escalating bonuses, similar to a combo sequence. If players manage three consecutive hits, the prize is scaled according to their skill level, encouraging a more aggressive play style. Similarly, Complete_Resolve_400 suggested either boosting Stormseeker’s initial stats at purchase or incorporating partial stacking mechanisms from minions and jungle camps. These creative ideas not only tackle the current weaknesses of the item but also expand its capacity to revolutionize gameplay mechanics and tactics. In essence, these innovative solutions could breathe new life into the use of Stormseeker, helping it regain relevance after years in obscurity.

In summary, it’s evident that the Smite community is deeply invested in enhancing items such as the Stormseeker, as demonstrated by their continuous flow of ideas and constructive feedback. This collective enthusiasm underscores a shared goal for the game to grow in a favorable direction. As developers frequently consider player input, we might anticipate a more equitable and entertaining gaming experience for both novice and seasoned players. Consequently, the Stormseeker could transform from merely being named an item to one that truly functions effectively within the game. Here’s to hoping the next update brings much-needed attention to this often overlooked item!

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2024-08-29 19:13