How to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy

As a seasoned gamer and a dedicated player of Magical Delicacy, I can’t stress enough the importance of having a thriving garden in your store. I’ve learned this the hard way, constantly running around to find ingredients from various traders and wasting valuable beads multiple times over. But after discovering the joy of gardening, my kitchen has been more productive than ever!

In the magical world of Magical Delicacy, my garden plays an essential role in keeping my kitchen running smoothly. It’s a lifesaver, really! Without it, I’d have to scour the land, visiting different traders to find each and every ingredient for my dishes. Not only would this be time-consuming, but I’d also end up spending more beads than necessary, buying ingredients multiple times. So, why not learn how to cultivate crops in Magical Delicacy’s garden instead? That way, I can save those precious beads and use them wisely – perhaps even investing in some nifty kitchen tools to make my culinary creations even more enchanting!

How gardening works in Magical Delicacy

In the magical world of Magical Delicacy, tending to a garden is an uncomplicated endeavor. While it’s not mandatory to cultivate a garden, you’ll be rewarded with an additional crop for every plant you put in the ground. For instance, if you decide to grow one Ulport Plum tree, you’ll reap two plums when it’s time to harvest.

In the enchanted realm of Magical Delicacy, plants thrive with just sunlight and rain, eliminating the necessity for manual watering. Unlike ordinary crops, those in this land are resilient and won’t perish from neglect.

Another option for accelerating your garden’s growth is using fertilizer. However, to utilize compost, which is another effective method, you’ll have to purchase a compost bin and set it up in your yard.

How to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy

You can buy compost bins at Ajea’s store located in Western Plaza. Not only does Ajea offer compost bins, but he is also known for his selection of storage and shelving solutions. Therefore, it would be beneficial for you to stop by his store to ensure that your composting supplies are well-organized.

In order to cultivate any crops in Magical Delicacy, please make your way to the garden area at the back of your shop.

Once you’re in the garden, you’ll find seven spaces to grow extra ingredients.

Engage with any of the seven areas, and a notification will appear listing the plantable ingredients you currently possess from your stockpile. However, not all items are suitable for cultivation in your garden; some must still be obtained through other means.

Choose an ingredient I’d like to cultivate, then all I can do is wait. Based on my own experiences, each planting takes around 24 hours in the game to fully grow.

What crops you can grow in your garden in Magical Delicacy

How to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy

Here is a list of plantable crops in Magical Delicacy:

  • Angelfeet
  • Braided Wheat
  • Cloudflower
  • Dandelion
  • Greenfinger
  • Goldseed
  • Groundsprouts
  • Honeyspark
  • Hornpepper
  • Onion
  • Pale Beet
  • Pearlpeas
  • Redroot
  • Scarlet Tomato
  • Spinach
  • Timbermoss
  • Timbershade
  • Ulport Plum
  • Ulport Squash
  • White Longchute
  • Wildvine

Where to find your garden in Magical Delicacy

How to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy

The first time you visit our store, or even afterward, you’ll be greeted by Hina with a request for you to prepare a meal for her.

After she finishes speaking, I’ll stroll past the sink and carry on going until I reach the exit on the other side of the shop.

In this garden scene, you’ll be able to move around without the need for any additional loading. At the back of the area, there’s a non-interactive shed. There are seven plots for gardening that I previously mentioned, and this is the sole gardening spot in the game for you.

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2024-07-16 17:21