How to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

As a dedicated fan of Yaoling Mythical Journey, I can’t help but be excited about every new discovery I make in this enchanting creature collection adventure RPG. And let me tell you, fishing is an experience that should not be missed! Not only does it offer the thrill of battling, but also the rewards from crafting and resource collection are truly worth your time.

In the creature collection RPG Yaoling Mythical Journey, combat is the primary emphasis, but crafting and gathering resources are significant aspects as well. Fishing is a profitable pastime in this game, so keep reading to learn how to acquire a fishing rod and what steps to take once you have one!

Where to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

How to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

To obtain a fishing rod from Master Chef Caulie, you should:

To rescue her, you need to overcome the level 1 Demon named Terrigaze. This demon emerges upon entering the village and boasts approximately 1000 HP. However, if you bring a complete team of good yaolings with you, the encounter should be manageable. After defeating Terrigaze, Master Chef Caulie will bestow you with the Fishing Rod as a reward. The rod doesn’t physically appear in your inventory, but you can now utilize fishing spots instead.

Yaoling Mythical Journey fishing guide

How to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

Fishing locations dot the map and share a similar appearance, marked by a sizable blue fish symbol on a pole. In my observations, the exact spot doesn’t influence what species you can reel in. Yet, experimenting with various types of bait can entice distinct catches and additional surprises.

Bait can be bought from traders in any village, with the bait sold being representative of the level of mobs in the area. Once Chu-Chu has settled in the village, you can buy random bait from her. The different types of fishing bait are:

  • Herb Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 5-10.
  • Egg Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 11-15.
  • Tofu Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 15-20.
  • Sweet ‘n’ Sour Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 21-24.
  • Kernel Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 25-30.
  • Marinade Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 31-40. 
  • Pine Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 41-50. 
  • Wheatbud Bait: Attracts Yaolings of levels 31-40. 

How to fish in Yaoling Mythical Journey

How to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

At a fishing post sign, you’ll have an opportunity to cast a line. Choose your preferred bait first, followed by clicking the “fish” button. Two circles, one light blue and the other yellow, with a gauge on the left will appear. The goal is to keep clicking the left mouse button while staying outside both circles as they move around randomly. When the circles align, you’ll notice a glow and the gauge will begin to fill (refer to the image above). However, if you lose alignment, the gauge will reset (as shown below). If you successfully fill the gauge, you’ll typically receive a random reward.

How to get a fishing rod in Yaoling Mythical Journey

Obtaining the reward typically means gaining resources or encountering a yaoling. Resources will be credited to your stockpile, while a yaoling will instigate a regular fight. This is the most straightforward method for seizing specific yaolings like Bubber and Gurglio.

For an in-depth look at Yaoling, refer to our Talents Guide with recommended combos for Yaoling Mythical Journey, and don’t miss our Best Charms Tier List for essential information.)

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2024-07-18 17:21