How to Fix Invisible Weapons and Enemies Bug in Space Marine 2

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of bugs and glitches in games, but the floating weapons in Warhammer 40: Space Marine 2 is a first! It reminds me of the time when I accidentally set my graphics to “Lunar Landscape” on Mars Rover Simulator 3000.

Have you ever adjusted your game settings so much that the enemies and equipment seem almost nonexistent? If so, this could be a possibility when playing Warhammer 40: Space Marine 2. Some players have reported ghost-like enemies with their weapons floating in mid-air. So, if you’re concerned that the game is malfunctioning, don’t fret. There’s a simple solution to restore normal play.

Space Marine 2 – Invisible Enemies Bug Fix

I will get straight to the point. The culprit for this peculiar phenomenon might be caused by the low graphic settings. Even if the game worked fine for hours before things went invisible, try adjusting them once more. Change everything to “Medium” and set Render Resolution to “Performance” and restart your PC. Then open the game and see if it resolved the problem. A few people from this steam community thread mentioned this method worked for them.

Due to many players reporting issues, the game is encountering performance problems at the moment. Problems like frequent crashes, black screens, Epic Online Service errors, frame rate drops, and server connection troubles are being experienced by some players. Although the developers are making efforts to fix these issues, certain PC configurations might pose challenges. A bit of patience and understanding can go a long way. Here’s hoping that the problems will be addressed soon with upcoming game updates.

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2024-09-06 16:31