House of the Dragon Season-Finale Scorecard: Intermission

As a humble scribe and scholar of all things Game of Thrones, I must say, my dear readers, that this season has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, much like the dragon flights our beloved characters have embarked upon.

As a long-time fan of “Game of Thrones,” I have always been intrigued by the complex characters and their intricate relationships within the series. So, when I came across the “House of the Dragon Scorecard,” I knew I had to take a look. This unique accounting of points awarded to characters for various actions in the season-two finale episode “The Queen Who Ever Was” is an interesting way to analyze and appreciate the depth of the show’s storytelling.

Hello there, did you anticipate this episode to feature thrilling dragon combat scenes? Perhaps one in which the freshly-minted dragon riders soared through the skies, engaging in fierce battles against their numerous foes? An installment where the sound of swords clashing echoed across the realm and conflicts unfolded that shed light on the long-simmering conflict between Greens and Blacks, a tension that has been building for more than a handful of episodes?

Hey there! As a devoted cinema enthusiast, let me share my thoughts on the latest episode. You know, it seemed like the creators were more focused on laying the groundwork for future seasons rather than delivering immediate action. The tension of an impending war, the visions hinting at the future, the constant reminder that “Winter is coming” – it’s all important and intriguing, but I can’t help but miss some thrilling moments. It takes a lot of time to move these intricate storylines forward, and I get why they do it, but wouldn’t a dash of action have made the experience more engaging? Just my two cents!

The main development involves the gathering of dragons and armies, a situation that has been escalating. Rhaenyra has organized her forces and manages to keep Daemon under control. Unfortunately for Aemond, things seem to be spiraling out of control for him, leaving him upset but on the verge of receiving a new army. Alicent detests this entire situation and attempts to negotiate with Rhaenyra, yet it appears that matters have reached a point where compromise is no longer an option. The imminent future promises bloodshed, ugliness, and fire, although for now, the trigger has not been pulled.

In summary, we’re left waiting and assigning scores for this season finale. The figures at the bottom signify the overall tally. I was almost tempted to manipulate the system slightly by awarding the ratcatcher’s dog 500 points, despite its absence in this episode, just to ensure it clinched the victory.

Rhaenyra Targaryen: 6 points

The business of war is a slippery slope and Rhaenyra is going wheeeeeee all the way down it. Only a few weeks ago, she was trying to negotiate her way through with diplomacy. Then she was staffing up with dragons to win by projecting overwhelming strength. Now, she’s got freaking Ulf on a dragon with orders to murder civilians in order to seize on the time-sensitive advantage she has and she’s telling Alicent to her face that the only path to peace involves beheading the father of the child that was beheaded as part of Daemon’s bungled assassination attempt. It’s… I mean, it’s not great.

You can see how the logic evolves in her head, though. She’s still claiming to want to limit the loss of life as much as possible, to strike at only the minimum number of people necessary to get her to the throne. She could probably look you in the eye and swear she’s doing decapitations and dragon-based civilian murder in the name of pacifism and believe it in her heart, but yeesh, man. The bodies are really piling up here. Being in charge does not seem fun.

First, due to Daemon’s change in feelings and submission, she was able to remove a potential enemy while strengthening her troops for the impending war, which is now inevitable. Second, she gets to bring Daemon back home, humiliated, and expose that she has been receiving advice and kisses from Mysaria, which will drive him even more insane than he already was in the creepy castle. It’s a clear advantage for Rhaenyra, although it may not be so good for all the people she will likely kill in the next season of this series, but we can handle that when the time comes.

Alicent Hightower: 2 points

Upon returning from her camping trip, Alicent discovers her wicked son unleashing a wave of shameful chaos, while her daughter is downcast due to the same. The situation is as grim as she had anticipated. She’s had enough. She yearns for an escape. So desperate is she, she’s prepared to infiltrate enemy territory, seeking a means of liberation not only for herself but also for the child she favors, even if it means sacrificing one or both of her other children in a public spectacle. The repercussions could be severe when Rhaenyra learns that Aegon secretly left the city during this clandestine meeting, as it might appear that Alicent was creating a diversion and agreeing to terms she couldn’t uphold, despite her actions being premeditated, much like her other moves.

As someone who has navigated through numerous trials and tribulations in my own life, I can certainly empathize with this lady’s rough season. However, it’s heartening to observe her growing realization that those around her may not always have her best interests at heart. Just like a traveler embarking on a journey, Helaena seems to be making a conscious decision to move on and seek solace in the metaphorical “RV,” which in this case is her dragon. Her determination to find peace and happiness, even amidst chaos, is truly inspiring.

Daemon Targaryen: 7 points

THERAPIST: Hello, Daemon.

DAEMON: I have wonderful news to share.

THERAPIST: And what is that?

DEMON: I’ve made up my mind to abandon my pursuit of power and head back home to stand by my wife, encouraging and assisting her in all her endeavors.

Intrigued! Indeed, that’s quite remarkable. May I inquire about the factors that contributed to this choice? Is there perhaps a connection we explored during our recent therapy sessions?

DAEMON: The witch led me to a tree oozing blood, whereupon I touched it, revealing a sequence of indescribable terrors. Ice zombies by the thousand appeared, along with a woman naked and surrounded by baby dragons, my wife seated on a throne, and I thought to myself, “Well, that seems like as fitting a signal as any.”

THERAPIST: So nothing from what we worked on here?

ASSISTANT: No, not much else. It’s mostly about the visions and the bleeding tree. I believe everything is in order for now. Please send a messenger pigeon to let me know when the documents are prepared and ready for payment.

Therapist: I hope things go well as you ponder over your past dream of becoming a marine biologist and consider a potential career shift. Best of luck!

Aemond Targaryen: -150 points

Let’s see:

• Burns an entire village with his dragon because he’s sad Rhaenyra has a big dragon army now

• Tries to bully his sister into becoming a violent dragonrider

• Gets shot down and told he’s a no-talent dweeb who is going to die like a chump

Exuding an overwhelming sense of unsuccessful desperation, much like a political candidate who falters just two weeks into a primary race.

This little weasel got everything he thought he ever wanted and it ruined his entire life.

Aegon Targaryen: 3 points

URGENT INFORMATION: It seems there’s a potential threat against him, as his brother may intend harm, and his mother appears to be devising a plan involving his harm. His body is currently recuperating from the fire that killed his dragon. Remarkably, Larys Strong could potentially offer assistance in this dire situation.

EXCITING UPDATE: The opportune getaway and the prophetic prediction of his reclaiming the throne by his seemingly psychic wife suggest the first positive developments for him in quite some time.

Weird family, the Targaryens.

Helaena Targaryen: 10 points

As a seasoned observer of the strange and fantastical happenings that often unfold in this world we inhabit, I find myself torn between two intriguing possibilities when it comes to Helaena. It’s not every day one encounters an individual with the power to see visions of past and future events! Yet, the thought of her conjuring these predictions through sheer wit and intuition, making Aemond do his business in armor, is a notion that tickles my fancy.

As a dedicated fan of fantasy series, I’ve seen my fair share of characters that leave a lasting impression. Yet, none have captivated me quite like Helaena, with her enigmatic charm and fiery dragon companion. It’s not just her command over fire or the awe-inspiring sight of her soaring through the skies; it’s the sense of power and mystery she exudes that makes her stand out. I eagerly anticipate the next season, hoping to witness more of Helaena as she continues to weave her intricate tapestry of life and death among those around her.

Hugh the Scorpion Maker Dragonrider: 6 points

Was there any significant action taken by Hugh this week? Not particularly. Mostly, he seemed to be idle and advised Ulf to calm down a bit instead.

Am I giving him six points anyway? It appears I am.

As a movie-goer, let me clarify that my curiosity about whether Hugh might bag a medal at the Olympics for the shot put event wasn’t just a brief 30-minute flirtation. Rather, it stretched out for almost an hour, leaving me in suspense and eagerly awaiting the outcome.

Ulf: 5 points

On the one side: It seems to me that Ulf might present some issues. Granted, this isn’t a prophecy like Helaena’s intuition, but the show has hinted at it. His actions such as placing his feet on the expensive table and his interactions with Rhaenyra suggest a growing attachment to power. With a dragon in his possession, he might develop an arrogance where he disregards others, declaring one day, “I no longer need to follow these people’s rules. I can simply pursue my own dragon-related adventures.” This is the danger of elevating a fool to divine status.

Contrarily, here’s another perspective that intrigues me: Instead of Ulf maintaining the monarchy, I find it captivating to imagine him rebelling and transforming into a rogue pirate, free from any authority. At the same time, the thought of Hugh growing frustrated and squashing Ulf’s head as easily as crushing an empty red Solo cup is equally appealing. There are numerous scenarios where this could turn out favorably for me.

Jacaerys Velaryon: 2 points

Despite his immature behavior and the skeptical expression he showed when Ulf pointed out their shared status as bastard dragonriders, he earns two points simply because he’s married to Baela. Baela is indeed admirable; let’s revisit this later.

Mysaria: 5 points

It seems that Mysaria hasn’t been very active this week, or even since her secret kiss with Rhaenyra. This unexpected scene might have felt out of place if it doesn’t get further developed in the current season. Are they continuing their affectionate moments, or are they simply spending time together off-screen? If that kiss was a one-time event and didn’t happen again, isn’t it a bit awkward between them now? (Even though the actress confirmed it was an improvised moment, its inclusion still raises questions.)

As a seasoned viewer of various forms of media, I must admit that this particular show has left me quite perplexed. It seems to be a peculiar narrative, one that leaves both the characters and the audience scratching their heads. From my years of immersion in storytelling, I’ve learned to trust the journey, even when it takes unexpected turns. In this case, I can’t quite decipher its intentions, but I’m willing to roll with it for now.

Larys Strong: 6 points

As a cinephile, I’ve got to say, he’s a sly fox who always seems to be lurking in the shadows, sending chills down my spine whenever I catch a glimpse of him. Yet, I can’t deny, he’s got an uncanny knack for playing his part masterfully.

Rhaena Targaryen: 9 points

“What I found most captivating in the season finale was the frequent scenes of Rhaena wandering through the wilderness, even drinking from the creek while searching for her own dragon. It added an intriguing touch amidst all the tense discussions, plot twists, and foreshadowed events, making me wish for more moments like her resting against a tree or enjoying a roasted squirrel meal by the fire.”

I’m so happy she has a dragon. Rhaena deserves a treat.

Baela Targaryen: 8 points

As a film enthusiast, let me tell you, she’s absolutely radiant. She gently nudges her husband aside for a heart-to-heart, offering words that are essentially a more diplomatic version of “Good grief, old chap! Pull yourself together. Quit the whining and make a move in your lackluster life. Do something proactive, for once!”

I would have given her 10 points if she told him she was leaving him for Oscar Tully.

Corlys Velaryon: 3 points

He appears to be a commendable man yet not an exceptional father. I have a feeling they could engage in an insightful talk about this topic over a shared glass of wine. However, it might take some time before that occurs, considering the topics we’ll delve into later regarding Otto Hightower, as detailed in the following section.

Addam: 7 points

In my view, Rhaenyra opted for Addam to accompany her in facing off against Daemon primarily due to his trustworthiness, yet principally because she wanted Hugh to stay close by to ensure that Ulf remained under control.

Alyn: 7 points

It’s likely extremely relieving for Alyn to have finally spoken all that out to Corlys directly. He’s been carrying a lifetime of anger towards the father who deserted him, pretended he didn’t exist, and left him alone. Just like many characters on this show, I often find myself wishing Alyn could just set sail, leaving behind all his troubles. We could still catch up with him occasionally, like we did with Rhaena this week, but instead of constantly rushing around in a frenzy, he’d be more at peace, perhaps fishing or swimming in the ocean.

Criston Cole: 0 points

The man witnessed a single dragon battle, and his emotional response was so intense that it seems likely he will start the third season with a dramatic flair.

Gwayne Hightower: 1 point

Regrettably, I found myself in a position to inflict harm upon Cristin, but chose not to act. It was an unforgivable oversight on my part. Whether history or I personally will recall him for this act, remains to be seen.

Lohar: 10 points

The final episode of season two introduces a captain who’s quite formidable, enjoys mud wrestling competitively and has a knack for dark humor, often joking about cannibalism. She also has an unusual practice of inviting strangers to share her bed with her wives, presumably for breeding purposes. This character is rather unconventional, to say the least. However, we now have Lohar as part of the cast, which makes things more interesting.

I’m eagerly anticipating what Lohar will do in the upcoming season; she may have just become my most beloved character on this series.

Alys the Witch: 8 points

“Ah, you’ve regained consciousness! Terrific news. I invite you to follow me. There’s a tree nearby that is said to exude red substance, believed to reveal insights about the future when touched. Quite an extraordinary experience, I assure you.”

Tyland Lannister: 2 points

In the negotiations, he was thoroughly outmaneuvered, exhibiting facial expressions that suggested uncertainty about the outcome – a mix of apprehension, confusion, and nausea. He managed to secure a victory similar to scoring in baseball when one gets hit by a pitch with runners on base.

Two points seems fair.

Otto Hightower: 1 point

Hello, it seems like Otto has been out of sight for quite some time now. I can’t help but wonder about his recent activities, especially since he lost his title, left the castle amidst family turmoil, and then… lo and behold! In the final montage of the season, we find him imprisoned in a shady, grime-covered cell, his hair looking rather unkempt.

As someone who has spent years delving into various mysteries and enigmas, I can confidently say that I expect we’ll unravel more secrets about this intriguing subject next season. But let me tell you, if by some stroke of fate we end up not finding out anything new, it would surely be a most amusing twist – one that only life could write!

Simon Strong: 9 points

Simon gets nine points. I have three reasons for giving him this score:

1) It’s satisfying to see how his constant moving about ultimately resulted in a productive spywork, which unveiled the intriguing encounter between Daemon and Rhaenyra.

In the backdrop, shortly following Daemon’s kneel and pledge of loyalty to Rhaenyra, there’s a faint image of Simon enthusiastically clapping his hands.

3) I love him very much.

Simon is a good man.

Season Totals

Characters Age Comparison (Simplified Version):

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2024-08-05 06:57