Helldivers: Beware the Invisible Adjudicator!

As a dedicated Helldivers player, I’ve seen my fair share of inexplicable occurrences that leave us scratching our heads. The latest addition to this list is the elusive and dangerous Adjudicator – an invisible weapon that can crash your game without a warning!

As a Helldivers player, beware! An enigmatic and invisible Adjudicator is lurking, ready to sabotage your gaming experience. Amidst the chaos of battle, if you’re not careful, one unfortunate soul among us will fall prey to this hidden threat. Once a player goes down, it sets off a chain reaction that could potentially lead to the failure of our mission.

PSA : Do not pick up the invisible Adjudicator that’s below the ground.
byu/SpectroTemmie inHelldivers


  • Players encounter invisible weapons causing game crashes.
  • Speculations on bugs reminiscent of past incidents.
  • Mysterious occurrences with disappearing and reappearing weaponry.

Convoluted Bugs and Schemes

RickD-42069, alias Schwifty, humorously compares the complex and disorganized nature of the Helldivers’ code to past programming blunders that led to mayhem.

Bot Shenanigans

“MindlessOpportunity1 proposes a malicious scheme involving bots intended to create chaos and disorient Helldivers during combat.”

Game Crashes Galore

Guryop’s story resonates with the warning of concealed threats that every player should heed, remaining alert against unseen perils.

Weird Weaponry Woes

MrVoprosic shares an extraordinary tale filled with unusual weapon exchanges and unexpected game malfunctions, transforming the experience into a fascinatingly strange journey.

Erismoth and dyn-dyn-dyn describe the ordeal as having a chilling resemblance to a spooky story, bringing attention to the enigmatic and mysterious air surrounding the elusive Adjudicator incident.

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2024-07-14 18:00