Hades: Gamers Discuss Starting Fresh with Full Release

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I find myself deeply engrossed in the ongoing debate about starting fresh or continuing existing save files for Hades. Having poured countless hours into this captivating game, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and attachment to my current save file – after all, it’s like an old friend I don’t want to part ways with just yet. But, the allure of new story content and potential gameplay changes has me tempted to start anew, much like a moth drawn to the flickering light bulb in the underworld tavern.

Ever since Hades first became available in early access, it has held countless players spellbound and ignited debates about different gameplay tactics and choices as the final version approaches release. A recent Reddit post by user hotstickywaffle stirred up fascinating discussions on whether gamers are starting new games or continuing with their existing progress. Many have revealed their playtime hours and how far they’ve come in the game, leading to diverse opinions. Players are grappling with the pros of beginning anew versus the allure of delving deeper into the game using their current saves, resulting in engaging discussions within the gaming community.

Are you guys starting fresh on full release?
byu/hotstickywaffle inHadesTheGame


  • A robust conversation arose about whether to start fresh or continue existing save files as Hades gets ready for its full release.
  • Many players expressed a sense of nostalgia and attachment to their save files, preferring continuity over replaying early levels.
  • Concerns about resource grinding and the perceived unfinished content led some users to consider starting new save files.
  • The community is excited about potential new story content and gameplay changes that may come with the full release.

Players Divided: To Restart or Not?

Among Hades gamers, there’s been a lot of debate recently about whether to start over or carry on from a previous save file. For some, like Reddit user Nofrillsoculus, there’s a strong inclination towards continuing their existing game: “Given the chance, I would definitely continue my current save file. I might begin a new one in a year or two, once I’ve had time to forget all about it.” This feeling is familiar to those who have put in many hours into the game and want to expand on their previous achievements instead of starting over completely. The fond memories and emotional attachment players have towards their progress often outweighs the appeal of a fresh start.

Why Some Want a Fresh Start

Personally, I’m one of those enthusiasts who, finding certain game elements incomplete, get excited about the prospect of starting anew. Reflecting on my gaming journey, I admit that many small interactions seemed unpolished, so I often decide to start from scratch. Many gamers, myself included, yearn for a complete gaming experience. Starting over allows us to truly savor the changes and improvements promised with the full release. Some of us are also concerned that continuing our current game saves might bring along remnants of past dialogues that could lessen the impact of new content. This concern echoes in gamers who find delight in games like Hades, where each journey offers a fresh narrative experience.

Resource Grinding: A Dealbreaker?

Players have had mixed reactions towards the grind-heavy aspect of Hades, with some praising it while others criticizing it. Funkkey openly admitted, “To be honest, I didn’t find the resource grinding fun when the game first came out. I think I’m done with it for now until fresh content is available.” This sentiment seems to resonate with many players who feel that the grind takes away from the overall enjoyment of the game. As they embark on a new journey, the idea of repeating time-consuming tasks can be overwhelming. Some players, like plznotagaindad, express a wish to start anew but also feel reluctant about having to endure the grind again. Their conflicting emotions demonstrate the tightrope walk that players must perform between the excitement of progression and the hard work required to achieve it.

Looking Forward: Anticipation for New Content

The anticipation for newly introduced material significantly impacts players’ decisions on which content to engage with. GoodTimesOnlines expresses a strong desire to begin afresh upon the game’s full release, even during early access, saying, “I intend to start over when the game officially launches, even during its initial release while still in Early Access. I want to explore all the story elements and I suspect some of the new material will be available earlier in the game; I don’t want to miss out.” This enthusiasm underscores the importance of a well-crafted narrative for enthusiasts, especially given this game’s reputation for its deep narrative layers and engaging character dynamics. As players envision the future, there is a noticeable feeling that fresh experiences, surprises, and expansions await, leading many to view a fresh start as a chance to rediscover Hades.

Discussions about whether Hades players will start fresh games or pick up where they left off are filled with fascinating opinions from the community. While there’s a strong pull towards revisiting completed milestones, the allure of new narratives and gameplay adjustments keeps drawing people in. Players’ active participation demonstrates their dedication to the game as well as excitement for what awaits them in the upcoming complete release of Hades. Regardless of whether they choose to start over or carry on from saved games, the adventure into the underworld remains as captivating as ever.

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2024-08-23 14:29