Granblue Fantasy: Character Recommendations for DMC Fans

As a seasoned Granblue Fantasy enthusiast with countless hours spent traversing the skies and battling mythical beasts, I can wholeheartedly relate to SativaSammy’s dilemma. Having been through similar struggles myself, I’ve learned that the journey to finding the perfect character is as much about self-discovery as it is about mastering combos.

Many people have been drawn into Granblue Fantasy due to its impressive graphics and exciting gameplay. However, some players find it tough to pick the right character to fully appreciate the game after finishing the main storyline and reaching level 50. A user called SativaSammy shared their predicament in a post looking for suggestions on characters, as they loved Narmaya but found the constant style changes bothersome. Instead, they’re searching for a character with a smoother playstyle, similar to Devil May Cry. This led to an engaging conversation among players about how to choose the perfect character.

Character recommendations?
byu/SativaSammy inGranblueFantasyRelink


  • Players are actively seeking characters that resonate with their gaming preferences, especially if they enjoy action-packed titles like Devil May Cry.
  • The comments provide a blend of character advice, showcasing the diverse play styles available in Granblue Fantasy.
  • Common sentiments in the community reflect both excitement and challenges in adapting to different character mechanics.
  • User experiences reveal that finding a main character can be a journey filled with experimentation and advice from fellow players.

Character Exploration: The Joys and Frustrations

One of the most evident highlights from the comments is how passionate players are about recommending their favorite characters. CivilRequirement546 got right into the mix, suggesting characters like Zeta, Percival, and Lancelot. Their reasoning? Simple yet engaging combos that resonate well with newer players. It’s clear that these recommendations stem from a desire for a fun and accessible playstyle rather than high-level complexity. For many players, the process of discovering and mastering character moves inspires both excitement and frustration. The joy comes from witnessing powerful moves and engaging combos, while the downside for some is the time and effort required to learn and implement these mechanics.

Embracing Variety: Play Styles and Mechanics

The discussion escalated when SaltMachine2019 weighed in with a nuanced perspective, suggesting that players might need to accept that a direct comparison to DMC may not be entirely feasible within Granblue Fantasy. While Id seemed to resonate more with SativaSammy, Salt’s alternative suggestions (like Katalina) focused on different aspects of gameplay mechanics. Players appreciated these insights as they reveal how Granblue’s combat system differs from others while maintaining its charm. Katalina, for instance, offers a learning experience by utilizing the Ares Gauge, satisfying those players eager to embrace a character’s depth through gradual experimentation rather than outright mastery right away.

Community Wisdom: The Recommended Characters

As the thirst for recommendations continued, there was no shortage of character suggestions. For those eager to explore ranged attacks mixed with mobility, characters such as Tweyen caught attention. Sebas3974 expressed their preference for ranged characters, mentioning the elegance of movement and excitement of aerial combat, while underscoring that unlocking certain characters requires considerable playtime. The community’s advice reinforces the idea that picking a character often goes beyond initial enjoyment but also requires patience in leveling and acquiring unique attributes. This differs greatly from other games where characters might be immediately accessible and showcases a beauty in Granblue’s pace and progression.

The Paradox of Choice: Finding Your Main

Over time, it was clear that choosing a main character in Granblue Fantasy could lead to the conundrum known as the paradox of choice – an abundance of excellent choices leading to confusion instead. Some users like HeftyPepper7490 bravely tackled this issue, compiling detailed descriptions of each character’s gameplay style. This resource proved invaluable for players seeking their perfect fit, but it also underscored the daunting task of character selection. Players might be swayed by flashy playstyles or unique abilities, only to struggle later with mastering those moves. The experience demonstrates the intricate layers of the game, as players must strike a balance between immediate enjoyment and the rewards that come from delving deeper.

Exploring the ideal character in Granblue Fantasy is a journey brimming with exploration and friendship as players embark on shared experiences. Regardless if players click with fast-paced action heroes like Zeta or delve into the intricacies of game mechanics with Katalina, they exchange ideas and tales, enhancing the communal aspect of the game. The pleasure doesn’t merely lie in conquering battles but in jointly traversing a world brimming with diverse characters and aesthetics, guaranteeing no player ventures solo on their path to proficiency.

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2024-08-05 01:58