Genshin Impact Players Believe Hoyoverse is Deliberately Messing with Drop Rates

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen it all—from revolutionary titles that redefined gaming to forgettable ones destined for the bargain bin. Genshin Impact initially fell into the former category for me. The stunning visuals, engaging gameplay, and immersive world had me hooked from the get-go. But lately, I’ve found myself wrestling with a peculiar conundrum—the drop rate conundrum, as some might say.

Genshin Impact, known for its captivating graphics and immersive gameplay, has sparked not just admiration but also intense discussions within its community. A post titled ‘I have a feeling that Hoyoverse is doing this intentionally’ by user kvzuhva gained traction on the Genshin Impact subreddit recently. The post, though brief in narrative, ignited a passionate discussion among players concerning suspiciously low drop rates for character materials. This led some players to suspect ulterior motives behind the developers’ decisions. As more and more players expressed their dissatisfaction and shared their experiences, it became clear that many felt their farming efforts were being deliberately thwarted. This gave rise to a widespread feeling of suspicion towards Hoyoverse’s methods.

Somehow I think Hoyoverse is doing this on purpose
byu/kvzuhva inGenshin_Impact


  • Players are expressing frustration over perceived issues with drop rates and material farming.
  • Many believe that Hoyoverse is manipulating drop rates to encourage spending.
  • Certain materials seem disproportionately hard to obtain, leading to feelings of futility.
  • The community is largely in agreement regarding their frustrations, fostering a strong collective mindset.

The Drop Rate Conundrum

Players are expressing their dissatisfaction about the difficulty in obtaining material and ascension gems, which seems to be a significant source of frustration in Genshin Impact. Many players feel that the current system unnecessarily slows down character development and strategic gameplay, as they spend more time farming for materials than actually playing the game. Instead of enjoying the game’s mechanics, they find themselves stuck in a repetitive loop where the drop rates for the items they need seem almost impossible to beat. This issue is causing a growing sense of discontent among players who believe that the game could improve user engagement by revising its drop system. Hot_Context_1393 summed it up well when he said, “My biggest peeve is the ascension gem distribution… It really just feels like pointless extra steps.”

Confirmation Bias or Reality?

LiamMorg offered an intriguing observation: “I really enjoy confirmation bias.” This underscores a crucial aspect of how players perceive games. Often, gamers remember only the frustrating farming episodes, which can intensify feelings of unfairness. However, there’s also a common annoyance that stems from dealing with RNG (random number generator) mechanics, particularly in games that require substantial time and resources. When players work hard to accumulate resources, they expect their efforts to be rewarded. Instead, many feel manipulated by the stubbornness of RNG drops, which fuels suspicion towards the game’s design decisions.

Anxiety Over Spending

The nature of Genshin Impact’s monetization is also a topic of concern. User rspinoza192 made a keen observation, arguing, “I wish they would just make the drop rate for these fixed… other than baiting impatient whales to swipe for resins.” This accusation points directly to a significant issue in mobile gaming today—the fine line between healthy game mechanics and predatory monetization. Players worry that if drop rates remain intentionally obtuse, it can lead to communities where only those willing to spend substantial amounts of money can progress smoothly. For a game that prides itself on free-to-play accessibility, this apparent design philosophy can cause fractures in player loyalty and community engagement.

The Community’s Collective Frustration

The Genshin Impact Reddit forum serves as a platform where players openly voice their collective worries about Hoyoverse’s actions. Ranging from heavy statements like “The pain is indeed real” after an upsetting loot drop, to humorously expressed feelings of never getting what they need, the community isn’t hesitant to share their dissatisfaction. There’s a strong mix of wit and honesty in these posts; players often cope with their frustrations by laughing together and sharing common experiences. The friendship built on shared hardships over resource gathering has not only strengthened community ties but also boosted demands for a review of the drop systems in upcoming updates from Hoyoverse.

Final Thoughts on Hoyoverse’s Practices

The conversation stirred by kvzuhva’s post offers an insight into how the Genshin Impact community feels about the game’s item drop rates and perceived manipulative tactics from the developers. Ranging from cautious to extremely aggravated, it’s evident that the present system fails to maintain the initial fun and enthusiasm players found in the game. The combination of unpredictable drop rates and player anticipation has led to a wave of dissatisfaction which Hoyoverse should aim to resolve. As committed players pour numerous hours into the game, they seek rewarding experiences that acknowledge their time and effort, not ones that make them feel exploited. To keep players engaged and satisfied with Genshin Impact in the long term, a transparent and player-centric strategy could be the solution that keeps fans hooked for years to come.

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2024-08-11 00:30