Gaming News: Why Are Programmers Sometimes Seen as Rude? Insights from Indie Devs

As a gamer with over two decades of experience in the indie game development scene, I can certainly empathize with both sides of this discussion. Having been a newcomer myself once, I recall the frustration of not knowing where to start or how to find answers to my questions. On the other hand, I’ve also felt the weariness that comes from seeing the same questions repeated ad nauseam on forums and social media platforms.

The focus of Gaming News is on the diverse debates encompassing the video game industry, with a recent Reddit post gaining attention due to a recurring issue. User Yanna3River initiated a discussion about the perceived impolite behavior of seasoned programmers when confronted by questions from beginners. This topic strikes a chord within the independent game development community, as teamwork and knowledge exchange are crucial components. In the ensuing conversation, users expressed opinions on why some programmers react harshly to what they perceive as ‘stupid’ queries, and how this can hinder the growth of aspiring developers.

Why are some programmers so mean/rude?
byu/Yanna3River inIndieDev


  • Beginners often ask repetitive questions that can lead to frustration for experienced programmers.
  • Many feel that a lack of research or effort on the part of newcomers results in rude reactions from seasoned developers.
  • The difference between a ‘basic’ and a ‘dumb’ question hinges on whether the asker made an effort to find the information independently.
  • While some programmers can come across as harsh, others advocate for a more supportive approach to mentorship.

The Cycle of Repetitive Questions

In the world of gaming and programming, it’s not uncommon for experienced individuals to experience a sense of deja vu when dealing with queries, as many questions seem repetitive and have already been addressed. This recurring issue often leads to frustration among commenters because beginners frequently ask questions that have previously been answered numerous times, instead of attempting to find the answers themselves. For instance, SiliconGlitches expressed this sentiment by stating, “A significant portion of it is due to some newcomers asking questions that have already been addressed countless times, rather than seeking answers.” This persistent problem can cause a sense of burnout, especially on platforms like Reddit and game development forums, which are often flooded with similar inquiries. Experienced developers feel a responsibility to maintain high-quality discussions but worry that constant queries, particularly those that could be easily answered through a quick internet search, will clutter these spaces and push meaningful conversations to the background. In essence, the community aims to strike a balance between providing assistance and fostering self-reliance among new members. The consensus is that research is a crucial skill for any developer, and it’s strongly encouraged for aspiring programmers to adopt a self-directed approach to learning.

Understanding the Difference: Basic vs. Dumb Questions

The focus of our conversation centers on identifying what qualifies as a ‘naive’ or ‘basic’ question. Users such as TheDudeExMachina suggest that these questions are those for which the responder needs more time to answer than the asker would spend finding the information themselves, as in: “A basic question is one where the person responding requires more time to answer it than the person asking could have spent searching online or contemplating the issue.” This raises an intriguing debate concerning the demands placed on newcomers entering the programming field. Those who are seasoned professionals might forget that they were not always well-versed in the fundamental concepts they now possess. The learning curve can appear overwhelming to a novice, making it essential for experienced developers to occasionally suppress their annoyance and provide guidance rather than a dismissive response. Even though it’s important to preserve the depth of discussions, a balance should be maintained to ensure that new programmers are welcomed instead of criticized.

The Role of Patience and Expectations

One approach to addressing this matter is fostering a culture of patience among experienced programmers when faced with an influx of queries from novice developers. As user emkayartwork pointed out, much of the frustration stems from the fact that the questioners have not made initial attempts to help themselves: “It’s disheartening when you approach a problem or request for assistance in good faith, only to discover that the person asking hasn’t even tried to find a solution on their own.” This expectation for some level of self-help can create a rift within the community. Instead of ignoring posts that annoy them, individuals might feel compelled to respond, either directly or indirectly, contributing to an atmosphere that may seem unfriendly or unwelcoming. The debate about who bears more responsibility persists throughout the discussion, culminating in themes of collaborative learning and teamwork. Not only should experienced programmers be patient with new developers, but newcomers should also take it upon themselves to utilize available resources.

Toward a Supportive Community

A key observation from comments highlights the need for a nurturing community alongside a commitment to hard work. Some users expressed readiness to share their know-how, offering assistance to those who demonstrate an effort to solve their own problems first. For example, starfckr1 shared that they don’t find repetitive questions frustrating personally, yet understand the sentiment behind such behavior: “people often neglect to search for answers before asking.” The community has a collective role: It should aim to be both welcoming and inspiring for newcomers, while also promoting self-reliance in problem-solving. As we strike this balance, everyone benefits, creating a mutually enriching atmosphere where novice developers can grow without feeling overwhelmed by the accumulated knowledge of seasoned professionals.

In the realm of gaming, creation, coding, and all related fields, it’s crucial to keep communication open about these subjects, particularly in such a vibrant community as game development. It’s natural that disagreements may arise, but promoting an atmosphere of understanding and ongoing learning can result in a collaborative environment where everyone flourishes – beginners and veterans alike. Recognizing the industry’s continual evolution, we can lay the groundwork for a more welcoming, progressive future characterized by collective wisdom and reciprocal assistance.

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2024-08-10 19:13