Gaming News: What If Metal Gear Solid Was Made by the Developers of Stellar Blade?

As a long-time Metal Gear Solid fan, I can hardly contain my excitement at the prospect of this potential crossover! The idea of Metal Gear Solid being developed by the brilliant minds behind Stellar Blade is truly mind-blowing! However, I must admit, there are some questions that arise with this hypothetical scenario.

Get prepared for an astonishing collision of worlds in gaming! Picture Metal Gear Solid masterfully crafted by the brilliant minds behind Stellar Blade.

If Metal Gear Solid was made by the developers of Stellar Blade 😂
byu/finnjakefionnacake ingaming


  • Excitement over a potential Metal Gear Solid game with a different development team
  • Questions raised about the essence of a Metal Gear Solid experience
  • Playful banter and skepticism from fans about potential changes

MGS Fans’ Enthusiasm

Metldragonite jokingly remarked that the concept wouldn’t bring real changes from Kojima’s work.

Debating Game Legacy

ABLADIN pointed out the depth of MGS4, challenging the need for a new developer.

Kojima’s Influence

Odd-Collection-2575 humorously noted Kojima’s signature traits, including his infamy for detail.

Fan Reactions

ArchStanton75 and NoName_BroGame expressed interest and excitement over the idea.

ADifferentMachine teased gamers for their likely reactions, questioning their game knowledge.

Cleverbird joked about the lack of MGS experience of some commenters.

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2024-07-19 13:43