Gaming News: Ubisoft Cancels Assassin’s Creed Shadows Early Access – What Gamers are Saying

As a seasoned gamer who has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous gaming franchises, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with curiosity upon hearing about the cancellation of Assassin’s Creed Shadows early access. Having played nearly every installment in this iconic series since its inception, I’ve come to appreciate both its high points and low ones.

Hey there fellow gamers! This week’s been electrifying with Ubisoft dropping a bomb about their upcoming game, Assassin’s Creed Shadows. They’ve decided to scrap the early access plan, sparking quite the storm within our gaming community. Some of us are breathing a sigh of relief, seeing it as a quality control move. But others are left scratching their heads, wondering what this could mean for the Assassin’s Creed franchise in the long run. In this post, we’re diving deep into the gamers’ reactions, dissecting hot comments from Reddit, and uncovering both the pros and cons of this cancellation. Let’s roll!

Ubisoft Cancels Assassin’s Creed Shadows Early Access
byu/Roids-in-my-vains ingaming


  • Ubisoft’s cancellation of Assassin’s Creed Shadows has led to mixed reactions, with some praising the decision as a sign of quality control.
  • Many gamers felt this news was already anticipated due to prior announcements during earlier delays.
  • Humor and sarcasm shone through in responses, showcasing the community’s propensity for jest regarding gaming news.
  • Concerns remain about the overall direction of the Assassin’s Creed franchise and whether it can innovate in a saturated market.

A Mixed Bag of Emotions

The cancellation of Assassin’s Creed Shadows has stirred a range of feelings among gamers. Some users, such as steveishere2, weren’t taken aback by the news since they suspected it might happen when Ubisoft delayed the game’s release. “Wasn’t this announced earlier, during the delay?” steveishere2 remarked, hinting that many fans were prepared for the outcome. This viewpoint mirrors a general perception within the gaming community that it can be wiser to abandon projects rather than put out incomplete ones. On the other hand, Geralt_Romalion reacted with “Panic Mode Activated,” suggesting a more intense reaction to the cancellation. These comments express both humor and genuine worry about the direction of game development, especially for big-name games like Assassin’s Creed.

Quality Control Amidst Concerns

The feedback from Reddit users indicates a mixed response: many are glad about the game’s cancellation as it suggests a dedicated and health-conscious development team. However, there is also concern about the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise. User CottonStig commented that this move shows Ubisoft’s commitment to delivering a quality product, implying that they prioritize meeting public expectations instead of rushing releases. Nevertheless, doubts persist, particularly about the series’ repetitive nature. Masam10 expressed skepticism by saying, “When even Ubisoft thinks the game they’ve been replicating for over a decade isn’t good enough, you know it’s not good…” This sentiment reflects the disappointment some gamers feel towards perceived stagnation in their cherished franchise.

Community’s Humor and Sarcasm

The threads and comments surrounding this cancellation are peppered with community humor and sarcasm, an intriguing aspect of gaming culture. Amid serious discussions about development and quality assurance, gamers often resort to levity to cope with disappointing news. Comments like “Panic Mode Activated” illustrate how humor serves as a coping mechanism when dealing with complex emotions tied to anticipated games. The community manages to make light of a serious situation while still providing insightful commentary, creating a climate where discussions can flow freely without losing the sense of enjoyment and camaraderie that gaming fosters. It’s this blend of light-heartedness and seriousness that keeps forums vibrant and engaging.

The Future of Assassin’s Creed

Due to the scrapping of Assassin’s Creed Shadows, gamers are now pondering where the franchise might head next. Some users, like lordarchaon666, have shown skepticism about the announcement, saying “They announced this after they delayed the game, how is this news?” This suggests a deeper worry; fans may feel like they’re getting repetitive announcements and updates. This continuous loop raises doubts about whether Ubisoft can innovate the franchise and improve gameplay experiences or if they will stick to familiar strategies. Many are hoping that dropping titles that don’t measure up will enable Ubisoft to breathe new life into the series, introducing fresh concepts that will make future games more than just a rehash of past successes but instead pioneer innovative gameplay that appeals to both old and new fans.

The news that Assassin’s Creed Shadows has been cancelled is a significant event in the constantly changing world of video games. As players react to this news, it’s clear that the gaming community’s voices are stronger and more varied than ever before, whether they express anger, relief, or humor. This cancellation encourages us to think deeply about the future of the franchise. In the end, the mix of reactions from the community demonstrates the deep emotional bonds gamers have with their favorite games, revealing how cancellations and developer decisions can impact our collective gaming experience and shape how we discuss these cherished titles.

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2024-10-22 18:29