Gaming News: The Good, The Bad, and The Sequels

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of gaming successes and disappointments. The topic of “bad games with good sequels” is one that piques my curiosity and brings to mind several instances where initial titles left me feeling underwhelmed but their follow-ups managed to surprise and delight.

Have you considered the surprising case of poorly received initial games that later had successful follow-ups? Dive into the intriguing discussions among gamers about this unusual phenomenon in video games.

We’ve heard of good games with not so good sequels, but were there any bad games with good sequels?
byu/HP_594 ingaming


  • Just Cause, Street Fighter, and Assassins Creed are named as examples of games with bad initial entries but fantastic follow-ups.
  • Classic titles like Twisted Metal and Mother also make the list for turning things around with their sequels.
  • Titanfall 2 surprises with a stellar single-player experience, unlike its predecessor.

Just Cause: A Rollercoaster Ride

User experience with the initial Just Cause: Some found it enjoyable despite its problematic gameplay mechanics. Yet, the sequel significantly enhanced the gameplay and overall experience for players.

Street Fighter: From Misstep to Masterpiece

The Street Fighter series initially faced difficulties but gained momentum with subsequent games, eventually solidifying its position as a leading force within the fighting game genre.

Mother’s Redemption

The change from Mother 1 to EarthBound is highly admired for turning a dull initial stage into a cherished masterpiece, demonstrating the effectiveness of well-executed sequels.

In the gaming world, players’ assessments of poorly performing initial games yet having successful follow-ups provide an intriguing new outlook. This insight showcases the possibility for second chances and advancement, even when first encounters leave a sour taste.

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2024-07-20 23:44