Gaming News: The 14 Brave Souls Chasing Platinum in a Dying Game

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I find myself captivated by the heartwarming saga of Pot-Papi_ and the 14 other trophy hunters still grinding away at this seemingly forgotten game. The sheer dedication these individuals exhibit is nothing short of remarkable, and it’s a testament to the unyielding spirit that permeates our gaming community.

Gaming News brings us a curious exploration into the hearts of the few dedicated souls still grinding for the platinum trophy in a seemingly dying game. A recent post titled ‘To the 14 people still playing go get that platinum trophy’ from user Pot-Papi_ highlights the enthusiasm of these players who are determined to reach every last achievement in a title that many have abandoned. The comments reveal a blend of curiosity, admiration, and even a hint of concern for these steadfast gamers, leading to some engaging discussions about the nature of live service games and the community’s reactions to them.

To the 14 people still playing go get that platinum trophy.
byu/Pot-Papi_ ingaming


  • The post celebrates the dedication of a small community still engaged with a game on the brink of obscurity.
  • Comments show a blend of admiration for players’ commitment and concern over the mechanics of live service games.
  • User experiences highlight the peculiar beauty and absurdity of trying to achieve platinum status in a fading title.
  • The situation raises questions about longevity and player engagement in the rapidly changing landscape of gaming.

The Dedication of Platinum Hunters

This post highlights the sincere recognition given to 14 gamers tirelessly investing their time and effort in pursuit of a platinum trophy. NovaPrime2285, one of the commenters, showed admiration by stating, “Indeed, I give a salute to those brave souls enduring this monotony and tackling this grind.” The bond and mutual appreciation are evident as players reminisce about the distinctive hurdles associated with such tasks. Pursuing a platinum trophy frequently involves delving into the game’s more mundane accomplishments, spending countless hours revisiting the same content, an activity that might appear senseless to others but brings a sense of achievement to these devoted gamers. There’s something intriguingly inspiring about individuals who persevere despite a game reaching its end

Community Reactions: Admiration and Concern

Comments on this topic show a variety of emotions, with many people showing both admiration and worry towards the players who are still playing the game. Seigmoraig introduced some practicality to the discussion by stating that it’s unrealistic to expect to complete a live-service game in just a few days since its release because such games require ongoing service. This comment suggests a growing concern about the longevity of live-service games and their player communities. The short lifespan of many games fuels doubts about whether it’s wise to invest time chasing impossible goals. The comments seem to express a struggle faced by gamers as they balance their love for gaming with the ever-changing nature of the industry

The Absurdity and Beauty of the Situation

There’s a certain absurdity in how some commenters view the situation, encapsulating a sort of dark humor about the realities of gaming. Zandrick captured this sentiment with poetic flair, stating, “That’s incredible that this dying game is full of people who are not even playing but just throwing themselves off the edge of the map.” The envisioning of gamers indulging in extraordinary lengths—such as intentionally failing missions to pursue trophies—gives the conversation a surreal twist. This absurdity could even be seen as an art form, as players engage in a performance of gaming, echoing themes from existential philosophy. The struggle against the inevitable decline of a game embodies something beautifully tragic, transforming the routine grind into a canvas for player expression.

The Future of Live Service Games

The ongoing debates about this shrinking gaming community bring up significant concerns regarding the longevity of live service games within the gaming world. As players tend to move away from games that fail to maintain player interest, it’s crucial to examine the commitment of the dedicated gamers who remain, and understand the effect this pattern has on both players and the industry at large. In a rapidly changing landscape where games rise and fall swiftly, DOeDon404’s simple perspective—”If you still have it, might as well use it”—reflects a practical approach to the situation. This mindset underscores a developing mentality among gamers: to make the most of their gaming experience before titles disappear. This attitude signifies a broader trend in game culture, where the transient nature of engagements impacts not only gameplay styles but also the psyche of the community as a whole

Exploring further into the stories shared here reveals not just the devotion of individual gamers, but also mirrors the broader gaming world’s characteristics. The bravery shown by those pursuing accolades in their preferred games earns admiration and empathy from the wider community. In the end, this scenario acts as both a warning and a tribute to the thrills—and the absurdities—of gaming, underscoring that even when faced with eventual decay, the fervor of a few can continue to gleam brightly amidst the shadows

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2024-09-05 05:14