Gaming News: Soulframe Creative Director Faces Backlash Over Soulslike Comparisons

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring intricate game worlds and mastering challenging combat systems, I can’t help but be intrigued by the ongoing controversy surrounding Soulframe’s upcoming release. Having delved deep into the Souls series myself, I share the concerns of many within the gaming community about the game’s Souls-like elements.

I’ve been following the development of this new game with great anticipation as a big fan. But lately, I’ve noticed some controversy surrounding the Creative Director of Soulframe and their decision to incorporate Souls-like elements into the game. The gaming community is raising concerns, and I can’t help but feel mixed about it. Some fans are questioning the name of the game itself and its combat mechanics, fearing that it might not live up to the high standards set by the Souls series. As much as I want this new game to be amazing, I can’t help but think that these comparisons are inevitable.

Soulframe creative director knows people might think it’s a Soulslike because of the name: “We agonized over it”
byu/Turbostrider27 inGames


  • Player concerns with Soulframe’s Souls-like elements
  • Comparison to other games in the genre
  • Feedback on combat mechanics

Player Sentiments

Supporters have varied responses towards Soulframe’s Souls-inspired aspects. While some are perplexed and disapproving due to the game sharing striking similarities in graphics and fighting mechanics with the Souls franchise.

Game Name Controversy

Some players raise doubts about the title “Soul” in the game, fearing that it will invite unwanted comparisons to the popular “Souls” series. Proposals for a new name are suggested to help differentiate “Soulframe” from the “Soulslike” genre.

Combat Mechanics Discussion

Players have expressed concerns about the game’s combat system, specifically mentioning problems such as unrealistic animations and insufficient force in weapon strikes. The community stresses the need to improve these aspects to enhance the overall gaming experience.

Although some players have criticized the design choices in Soulframe, its director remains confident in their decisions. They understand the complexity of striking a balance between creating something new and meeting the demands of an audience accustomed to the popular “Soulslike” genre, which is heavily represented in today’s market.

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2024-07-21 09:28