Gaming News: Reddit Users Share Games They Dropped Almost Instantly

As a passionate gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve found myself in situations where I start a game with great anticipation, only to abandon it shortly thereafter. It can be disappointing and even frustrating when a game doesn’t live up to expectations.

Have you ever begun playing a game with great anticipation, only to find yourself abandoning it soon after? You’re not the only one. In a Reddit discussion about games that players gave up on shortly after starting, users shared their experiences. Let’s explore the reasons behind their early exits.

What’s a game you dropped nearly immediately?
byu/yourAvgSE ingaming


  • Perceived lack of reward led to instant abandonment for some players.
  • Misconceptions about gameplay or mechanics were common reasons for quitting early.
  • Tutorials and slow starts frustrated gamers, prompting many to stop playing.

YourAvgSE’s Painful Encounter

YourAvgSE quickly removed “What Remains of Edith Finch” from their list of games to play, as they couldn’t stand the large forest setting and leisurely tempo, even though the game might not have taken long to finish.

Reddit Users’ Quick Discards

As a gamer, I’ve jokingly pointed out that players who are hesitant to continue playing a game are like those who quit Mario after taking just one jump. I believe this comparison sheds light on common misunderstandings that can negatively impact gaming experiences right from the start.

According to PsychologicalMix8499, the newest addition to the Saints Row series didn’t live up to expectations, and he pointed out that not all new games manage to keep players engaged from the start.

Mazbt highlighted the challenges he faced when playing open-world survival games, sharing his struggles to fully engage in games other than Valheim.

Whiskeytown79 argued that the short length of “What Remains of Edith Finch” might be intentional, leading players to quickly finish the game due to its compact gameplay experience.

Manufan1992 expressed regret for starting to play “Cities Skylines 2” despite loving the first version, urging caution about dismissing critical feedback.

I deeply regretted playing Lost Planet on my PS3 due to its disappointingly poor frame rates that made the game almost unenjoyable for me.

I’ve had my fair share of disappointing experiences with video games, and when I picked up “Anthem” by Ready_Elk8777, I was hopeful for a new adventure. However, within just two hours of gameplay, I found myself feeling underwhelmed and unsatisfied. The graphics were not as stunning as advertised, the controls were clunky, and the storyline failed to engage me. It’s always disheartening when you put time and effort into a new game only to realize it’s not what you expected. I respect Ready_Elk8777 for making the decision to cut their losses and move on. Not every game is a winner, and sometimes it takes only a few hours of playtime to determine that.

In just twenty minutes, Iamwounded69 decided against continuing with Undertale, suggesting a significant difference in tastes or preferences.

As a gamer, I found myself grappling with the widely praised game, “Outer Wilds.” However, instead of being captivated by the allure of planetary exploration like many others, I grew weary of it much sooner than anticipated. The experience left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed and yearning for more engaging gameplay.

Skippie_Granola cleared up common misunderstandings about “What Remains of Edith Finch” and disclosed her difficulty in dealing with the constant tutorials in “Yakuza 0,” ultimately causing her to quit before finishing.

For avid gamers, jumping into new titles brings high hopes, but not all games align with our preferences. Reasons for abandoning a game can range from misunderstandings, slow beginnings, or unfulfilled expectations. Don’t hesitate to explore other options and discover one that truly connects with your gaming passion.

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2024-07-17 13:28