Gaming News: Players Share Their Dream Games That Were Never Made

As a dedicated gamer and long-time fan of the gaming industry, I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia and disappointment whenever I read about games that never came to be. Scrolling through Reddit threads filled with players expressing their dreams for alternate game releases is both bittersweet and fascinating.

Have you ever imagined if your favorite game developer created a different title instead of what they actually released? On Reddit, gamers are expressing their ideal games that sadly never saw the light of day, blending feelings of longing and regret.

What game would you have loved to see if the devs hadn’t made something else.
byu/b0m_d3d– ingaming


  • Players express longing for sequels or new games from favorite developers.
  • Several mention the impact of existing games on the development of others.
  • Some express frustration over cancelled projects or changes in direction.

Desires Unfulfilled: Alternate Realities

Fastikonio expresses disappointment: “A new Batman Arkham game would be great,” they say, “but instead, we got Suicide Squad.” (Or) “Fastikonio shares the fan frustration: ‘We could have had a new Batman Arkham game,’ they lamented, ‘but instead, they released Suicide Squad.’ “

Lost in Translation: Impact of Existing Titles

“Totallycasual laments, ‘If GTA Online didn’t exist, we’d likely be enjoying GTAVII by now.’ This statement underscores how current successes can delay or even prevent the emergence of new projects.”

Regrettable Realities: Disappointments and Letdowns

Roki shares his disappointment, saying “Instead of creating a memorable Marvel game, they produced one that failed to leave an impression.”

Final Fantasies: Endless Dreams

The anticipation for new installments and variations of games, from Half-life 3 to Titanfall 3, resonates strongly in the digital realm, highlighting the vast potential the gaming industry continues to offer.

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2024-07-18 20:28