Gaming News: How to Stick to One Game for a Long Time

As a long-time gamer with a diverse range of interests, I’ve found myself constantly grappling with the debate between game commitment and game-hopping. Having gone through periods of obsessively focusing on one title for months on end, only to eventually grow bored and move on to the next big thing, I’ve come to appreciate the merits of both approaches.

Have you found yourself frequently switching between games instead of focusing on one for an extended time? Lately, Reddit users have been sharing their thoughts on the pros and cons of this practice, known as game-hopping, versus staying committed to a single game. Let’s explore their intriguing perspectives!

How do i stick to one game for a long time ?
byu/Nivriil ingaming


  • Enjoying varied gaming experiences may be more important than obsessing over a single game.
  • Some gamers suggest setting personal goals within a game to stay engaged.
  • Embracing game-hopping can lead to diverse gaming experiences and prevent burnout.

Gamer Perspectives on Game Commitment

Instead of focusing solely on following one specific game, many people who enjoy gaming believe that the experience should primarily bring joy and amusement. For example, “CiariLovesYou” stresses the importance of playing games that bring happiness to you personally, reminding us that gaming is essentially an enjoyable pastime.

User “mplaton13” expresses their strategy of focusing on a select number of games for in-depth play, while also experimenting with new titles during brief gaming intervals. This approach strikes a nice balance between exploration and commitment to specific games.

Alternatively, some users, such as “GavinStrict,” argue for designating particular game titles, for instance, Destiny 2. They believe that discovering a game rich in various features and tasks could foster extended involvement.

The Art of Game-Hopping

Instead of sticking to just one type of game for “TenPercentOfQ” the gamer, switching between completed and new games maintains a healthy mix, allowing for both accomplishment and discovery in their gaming routine.

User “Ok-Border1269” jokes about their habit of hopping between various games on their Nintendo Switch, reminding us that the purpose of gaming is to have fun and not feel compelled to rush through each game.

In the end, every gamer’s tastes and patterns of playing games are unique. Discovering a way to play that brings happiness and contentment is essential for an enjoyable and rewarding gaming journey.

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2024-07-21 21:58