Gaming News: Horizon Zero Dawn Delisted on Epic Games Store Just Before Remaster Launch

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions upon hearing about the delisting of Horizon Zero Dawn from the Epic Games Store. On one hand, I understand the skepticism surrounding the need for a remaster so soon after the original game’s release. It’s like when you find that your favorite band is releasing a “greatest hits” album just a year after their last studio effort – it feels a bit premature.

The direction of Gaming News has shifted significantly following the revelation that Horizon Zero Dawn is no longer available on the Epic Games Store, as it gears up for its eagerly awaited remaster. The responses from players and enthusiasts range widely, encompassing everything from dismay about the game’s removal to doubt about the urgency of a remaster so soon after the original game was launched only seven years ago. Let’s delve into the reactions brewing within the gaming community, exploring potential pricing tactics, worries about creative freedom in game development, and other intriguing facets of this recent announcement.

Horizon Zero Dawn delisted on Epic Games Store ahead of Remastered release
byu/ControlCAD ingamingnews


  • Players express skepticism about the need for a remaster for a game released seven years ago.
  • The delisting is seen by many as a marketing strategy to drive remaster sales.
  • Concerns regarding the creativity of the game development industry are prevalent among comments.
  • Some users suggest that there are other games that would have benefitted more from a remaster.

The Skepticism Surrounding the Remaster

One of the prevailing themes in the comments about Horizon Zero Dawn’s delisting is a palpable skepticism towards the necessity of its remaster. User ‘BlackBurnedTbone’ argues, “When you have to delist the original to not confuse buyers of the ‘remaster’, it’s maybe too early to be doing one at all.” This sentiment was echoed by ‘Gamelove0I5’, who commented that among all the games out there that could warrant a remaster, zero dawn isn’t one of them and lamented, “So many great IPs being shown zero love.” This skepticism resonates particularly well with those who feel that the original game held up just fine and that the remaster might be more of a cash-grab than a genuine effort to improve the gaming experience.

Marketing Strategy or Consumer Friendly Move?

As a fan, it seems like the timing of taking down the original PC version of the game is part of a clever marketing strategy ahead of the remaster’s release on October 31st. ControlCAD offered some intriguing thoughts, suggesting that the removal might be to prevent players from buying the original for $49.99 and then having to pay an additional $9.99 for the upgrade, which would exceed the $49.99 price point of Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered. This speculation raises questions about whether this decision is more about maximizing profits or ensuring a seamless buying experience for consumers. Some users have even suggested that this move could create confusion among buyers who might not be aware of the upcoming remaster’s release, potentially leading to some unexpected surprises at the checkout.

Concerns Over Creativity in Game Development

In the comments section, there’s a clear focus on the idea that game creators aren’t being as innovative as gamers would like, with ‘ImRight_95’ bluntly expressing this view: “Sony has run out of creative ideas right now.” This sentiment echoes a broader worry among gamers that developers are focusing too much on updating old games instead of making fresh, original ones. This worry was particularly noticeable when ‘DepletedPromethium’ exclaimed, “Remastering an old game again? That just shows a lack of creativity.” With many popular gaming franchises being remade and updated at a fast rate, many fans are left wondering if the industry prioritizes revisiting the past over coming up with new ideas.

The Price and What Players Expect

As a passionate gamer myself, I’ve noticed that many fellow gamers are intrigued by the pricing approach of this remaster. Priced at $49.99, it’s a bit steep for some, especially considering an upgrade from the original game costs only $9.99. A user named Trickybuz93 aptly put it, “They don’t want you paying $10 when you can pay $50,” which raises questions about the friendliness of this pricing strategy towards consumers. This conversation echoes the concerns shared by many gamers who feel that the price is too high for what they perceive as an updated version of a game we all still cherish. The quip from one999, “Nothing was lost, who buys at EGS?”, humorously highlights the divide between those excited about the remaster and those who question both the value and the platform itself.

Horizon Zero Dawn’s departure from the Epic Games Store marks a significant turning point for the franchise. Players are voicing their opinions through their reviews, expressing apprehensions about the abundance of remastered games and the impact of corporate strategies in the gaming world. It remains uncertain if the remaster will meet the lofty standards set by its predecessor. However, it’s evident that discussions on gaming news, particularly regarding remasters, are undergoing change. This discourse mirrors a heightened sense of anticipation from the community, as they express a desire for fresh ideas over nostalgic repetition, seeking innovative gameplay experiences instead of rehashed cycles from the past.

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2024-10-07 07:43