Gaming News: Gearbox’s Risk of Rain 2 Expansion Faces Backlash on Steam

As a long-time devotee of the roguelike genre and Risk of Rain 2 in particular, I find myself disheartened by the recent turn of events surrounding its first expansion, “Seekers of the Storm.” The performance issues and negative impact on the base game have left me yearning for the smooth gaming experience that once set this title apart.

The situation surrounding the popular sequel to Risk of Rain, Risk of Rain 2, has become turbulent due to fan dissatisfaction with Gearbox’s first expansion, “Seekers of the Storm.” On Steam and various online forums, users have been vocal about their issues, not just with the bugs but also with the significant changes to the game’s overall feel. The developers have admitted that the game has suffered post-expansion, which has heightened community worry. This episode underscores the fact that gamers are both passionate and perceptive, a sentiment echoed in conversations about this particular release.

Gearbox’s first Risk of Rain 2 expansion gets hammered on Steam as developer admits the PC version ‘is in a really bad place’
byu/PrinceDizzy ingaming


  • The physical systems of Risk of Rain 2 have been tied to the frame rate, leading to performance problems.
  • The expansion has negatively affected the base game, dragging Steam review ratings down.
  • Community members are expressing strong negative sentiments towards Gearbox for perceived mismanagement and corporate pressures.
  • Fans are deeply disappointed that the IP was sold to a developer they believe does not respect its legacy.

Performance Problems Plaguing the Expansion

The most egregious issue brought up by players is that the “Seekers of the Storm” update has essentially driven Risk of Rain 2’s physics systems into a tangled web of problems by binding them to frame rate. User Lechowski aptly voiced the frustration with, “What the fuck,” reflecting a more general sentiment among players who just wanted a smooth gaming experience. These sorts of technical issues have led to frame drops and overall janky gameplay, a far cry from the fluidity players expected from a game known for its kinetic charm. The community is clamoring for solutions, raising the question of how such critical faults made it past the development and quality assurance stages.

Steam Review Ratings in the Dumps

A key sign of how the expansion has affected things can be observed in the latest Steam reviews. User wafflwwaffles noted that the game’s positive rating among the last 3,500 reviews has dropped to just 58%, a concerning figure that highlights the discontent within the player community. This is a significant fall from grace for a game once highly regarded for its immersive gameplay and captivating art. The numbers alone paint a picture, but they also reflect the fervor of a community that feels ignored and let down. It seems the narrative surrounding this game has shifted from excitement to disillusionment, with feelings of frustration and disappointment now prevailing.

Corporate Mismanagement Under Scrutiny

Many players are attributing the issues with the game to poor management within the corporations, claiming that tight deadlines and the need to release an unfinished product have significantly damaged the game. User beyondheck posits that executives at both Gearbox and 2K may have forced developers to launch the DLC prematurely, potentially sacrificing the quality that players have come to anticipate. They point out how the DLC announcement was made only a week before the game’s release, which seems to suggest that the developers were caught in a loop of poor planning and execution. As a result, fans are questioning whether the developers had enough time to create a polished product or if they were merely casualties of corporate schedules that prioritized profits over player enjoyment.

A Legacy at Stake

The core issue at hand revolves around the worry that the beloved indie game Risk of Rain 2, initially celebrated by Hopoo Games, may be tarnished due to its connection with Gearbox. This anxiety is encapsulated by user Bira-Beer’s statement, “Hopoo created one of the best indie games ever made, only to damage its reputation and legacy.” Given Hopoo’s history of creating a game based on quality and innovation, the belief that it has been given to a company known for not living up to these values is causing disappointment among long-term fans, who feel deceived. This concern for the game’s legacy is a recurring emotional theme in many discussions, demonstrating the deep attachment its dedicated player base holds for this title.

Amidst the growing tide of community input, Gearbox Software stands at a significant junction. Will they address the concerns of disgruntled gamers by making adjustments, or persist with their current strategy? The decision they make regarding this feedback could significantly impact the trajectory of Risk of Rain 2 and the trust players have in them moving forward.

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2024-08-31 14:43