Gaming News: Gamers Discuss Characters with the Best House in Gaming

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but appreciate the thought and effort that game developers put into creating iconic homes and bases for our beloved characters. These digital dwellings often leave a lasting impression on us players, reminding us of nostalgic moments or providing a sense of comfort and familiarity.

In the realm of gaming, characters frequently have distinctive residences or headquarters that make a strong impression. Think of Mario and Luigi’s abode or Franklin’s house in GTA V. Gamers are always drawn to beautifully crafted virtual homes. Let’s explore the fascinating Reddit thread about top-notch digital domiciles!

Which character in your opinion has the best looking house or homebase in gaming?
byu/Lonely-Tumbleweed-56 ingaming


  • Users praise iconic homes like Mario and Luigi’s in Superstar Saga and Franklin’s house in GTA V.
  • Other popular picks include Geralt’s home in Blood and Wine and the Normandy from Mass Effect.
  • Personal preferences vary from Sims houses to the Bat Cave in Arkham Asylum.

Mario and Luigi’s Homebase

In Superstar Saga, the house of Mario and Luigi, pointed out by Lonely-Tumbleweed-56, stands out among gaming homes and brings back fond memories for numerous players.

Geralt’s Estate in Blood and Wine

In The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, Deliriousius expressed his fondness for Geralt’s residence, commending its beautiful scenery and refined architecture.

Normandy from Mass Effect

I’m absolutely in love with the Normandy ship, and it seems I’m not alone! Many other fans, like armatect and DarkBehemoth2658, have shared their deep affection for this iconic vessel in the Mass Effect universe. The Normandy holds a special place in our hearts for its pivotal role in the series.

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2024-07-21 23:28