Gaming News: Developers Unleash Horrific Finger Spider in Indie Game Design

As a huge fan of IndieDev and horror gaming, I can’t help but be intrigued by LucidRainStudio’s latest creation: a terrifying finger spider designed to hunt down players. The design is absolutely stunning, and it has sparked a wave of awe and fear within the community.

As a passionate gamer, I’m always on the lookout for the latest gaming news. The IndieDev subreddit is currently buzzing with excitement about an innovative new creation: a terrifying finger spider designed to hunt down players! This chilling development comes from none other than LucidRainStudio, the ingenious minds behind the creature. Their announcement sparked a whirlwind of reactions among the gaming community, a mix of awe and fear. Let’s delve into some of the conversations that ensued…

We are creating a horrific “finger spider” to hunt the player down! What are your thoughts on the design?
byu/LucidRainStudio inIndieDev


  • Players in awe of design’s creativity
  • Critics suggest improvements on visual details
  • Comparisons to famous monsters and pop culture
  • General excitement and anticipation

Player Reactions

XolarisYT expressed admiration for the design yet raised concerns about its execution. GeorgesKaplan identified an eldritch horror ambiance, while lostincosmo commended the frightening qualities. metaHumor1895 proposed intensifying the grotesque effect by incorporating more particles.

Development Insights

Ransnorkel openly praised the design, finding it superior to his own concepts. Squirmonkey asked about potential inspirations, specifically mentioning Kingdom Death. Vanadium_V23 was impressed by the size and artistic flair of the monster.

Artistic Feedback

ChipMicr0 described the design as having a “Stranger Things” feel, AGNIKA suggested enhancing it with extra eyes for a “Pan’s Labyrinth” effect, XaneRaiden expressed interest in adding the game to their wishlist, and Suspicious-Run-6139 commended the character development as “terrifyingly” good.

Detailcomplex14212 mocked comparisons to ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion,’ and TongueEnvy simply dubbed the design ‘dope.’ Wavertron raised visibility concerns with in-game lighting, and PerfectionOfaMistake anticipated a ‘touching story’ from the creepy creation.

The community expresses a lively blend of anticipation, productive feedback, and pop cultural allusions while looking forward to the introduction of this ominous creature in the independent gaming world.

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2024-07-13 22:45