Gaming News: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Removes Controversial ‘Erotica’ Feature

As a seasoned gamer with over three decades under my belt, I’ve witnessed the evolution of gaming from pixelated pixies to photorealistic zombie apocalypses. The recent news about the removal of the ‘Erotica’ feature from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has left me both intrigued and a bit nostalgic.

In a fresh wave of debate, Gaming News is at the center, this time focusing on the iconic Dead Rising series. A post on a gaming forum unveiled that the upcoming Deluxe Remaster won’t feature the option for players to take suggestive photos, a characteristic from the original game. While some gamers lament the removal of what they perceive as a humorous, satirical aspect, others are supportive of this change. The discussion delves into topics like creative liberty, societal standards, and the blurred boundary between satire and inappropriateness, highlighting how such decisions can stir diverse reactions within the gaming community.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will no longer grant ‘Erotica’
byu/magistratemagic inGames


  • The removal of the ‘Erotica’ feature from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has sparked mixed feelings.
  • Some players see the original feature as a humorous satire, while others believe it was inappropriate.
  • Conversations around inclusivity emerged, questioning why the feature targeted only female bodies.
  • Certain gamers still hope that core gameplay elements, like time limit and survival mode, will remain intact.

Mixed Reactions to the Removal

As a devoted fan of Dead Rising, I’ve been following the discussion surrounding the elimination of the ‘Erotica’ photography feature in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. One user, Aclockwork-grAPE, expressed a sentiment that resonates with me: “I’m not trying to stir up a debate about this, but I do think having Frank capture satirical, erotically framed photos amidst a zombie apocalypse was a unique aspect of the game that I’ll miss.” This point underscores one of Dead Rising’s key appeals: the intriguing blend of absurdity and terror that frequently elicited laughter in the midst of the chaos of the undead outbreak. For many players, the humor stemmed from the over-the-top nature of the situation—sexy photos against a backdrop of zombie carnage.

Satirical or Inappropriate?

One of the most interesting points raised in the comments comes from BleakHorse, who highlights the essence of Dead Rising’s photography aspect: “Kind of a shame, it’s the point of the whole ‘photography’ thing that it’s supposed to be sensationalizing the situation in a comedic way, but it probably won’t impact the game that much.” This raises the question of whether the satire that many fans hold dear truly stands the test of time in a changing cultural landscape. While humor has always been a significant part of gaming, the evolving sensitivities surrounding gender representation and sexuality leave some questioning whether such features can coexist with contemporary values. The satirical nature of the à la carte horrors faced by Frank West was often highlighted through dark comedy, yet there’s a thin line between satire and insensitivity. Balancing humor with respect is an ongoing challenge for game developers and players alike.

The Case for Inclusivity

A community member sparked a lively debate when proposing that the game might have faced less criticism if it had depicted “male bodies in certain situations.” This comment underscores a larger issue: diversity in gaming. The fact that only specific body types are sexualized raises concerns about fairness in the depiction of characters within the gaming world. Couldn’t we have seen the protagonist, Frank West, capturing photos of muscular zombies or even exchanging playful shots with a shirtless boss? Such lack of diversity might perpetuate an outdated image of the gaming community. Modern players are usually advocates for equal representation and fairness across all aspects of this medium. If the game had handled eroticism inclusively, would it have lessened criticism and allowed the game to maintain its humorous tone without crossing modern sensibilities?

Core Gameplay Priorities

Regardless of the ongoing discussions, there’s one aspect that remains unchanged—the essential gameplay aspects that fans adored should endure during this revamp. User COSHOW10 raised an interesting point concerning the side quests that required players to capture explicit photos, and how these could be reworked in the remaster. Many fans cherish the excitement of time-limited gameplay and the pressure-filled decision-making involved in survival modes. The continued presence of tension, strategy, and the adrenaline rush of battling through zombie swarms keeps the series captivating. Although removing the ‘Erotica’ element may cause some controversy, fans like BleakHorse remain optimistic: “I hope they preserve the time limit gameplay and include additional survival modes.” Balancing these cherished elements with contemporary sensibilities could result in a distinct compromise that respects the essence of the Dead Rising series.

In a world where gaming is constantly changing, it’s more important than ever to consider the impact of the games we make and play. The discussion surrounding the remaster of Dead Rising demonstrates just how nuanced and intricate opinions can be, revealing that even minor aspects can spark intense discussions. At the end of the day, fans are hoping for their beloved series to progress in a way that maintains its core identity while also adapting to the social context of our times.

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2024-08-10 11:58