Gaming News: A Case of Soulslike Fatigue | Semi-Ramblomatic

Gaming News: A Case of Soulslike Fatigue | Semi-Ramblomatic

Exploring the growing sentiment of fatigue within the Soulslike genre among players: A Personal Reflection by Tomorrow_Big, Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamer

Examining the increasing sense of weariness amongst gamers regarding the Soulslike genre: Are developers unintentionally repeating themselves?

A Case of Soulslike Fatigue | Semi-Ramblomatic
byu/Tomorrow_Big inGames


  • Players express fatigue with repetitive themes and gameplay in Soulslike games.
  • Concerns regarding lack of innovation and depth in recent iterations of Soulslike titles.
  • Call for developers to mix up tonally and narratively to revitalize the genre.

Ashviar’s Perspective

There is an ongoing arms race between players and developers in challenging gameplay mechanics.

FlareEXE’s View

In simpler terms, encountering the same motifs of crumbling kingdoms and detached boss fights repeatedly can leave you feeling bored and drained.

sirbrambles’s Opinion

Expresses weariness with the oversaturation of Soulslike games in the industry.

AReformedHuman’s Analysis

I’ve been a big fan of FromSoftware’s games for a long time, but lately I’ve noticed that their innovations in gaming seem to have slowed down. Instead of pushing the boundaries with new and exciting gameplay mechanics, they’ve leaned heavily on the tried-and-true boss battles. While these encounters can be thrilling, I feel that relying on them so much is starting to wear thin for me and perhaps other fans as well. It’s a shame because FromSoftware was once known for its groundbreaking titles that kept us on the edge of our seats with anticipation.

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2024-07-19 17:58