Fortnite Players Demand More Preset Slots: 100 Just Isn’t Enough!

As a veteran gamer with countless hours logged into Fortnite, I can wholeheartedly empathize with the plight of my fellow players who are grappling with the restrictive nature of the preset slots for character skins. I’ve been there, switching out skins like changing clothes in a game of musical chairs – always one step behind the latest addition and one skin short of my favorites.

In Fortnite, creativity and customization have become integral aspects, thanks to the wide variety of character skins offered in the game. A post on r/FortNiteBR subreddit by FernDurPlant underscores an issue that’s been bothering the community: the limited number of preset slots for character skins. With players accumulating thousands of skins since the game’s release, having just 100 presets feels inadequate, especially for veteran gamers who frequently have to let go of their favorites to make room for new ones. It’s akin to being presented with an endless buffet but only allowed to pick a few dishes! Many commenters share this sentiment, urging Epic Games to either increase the number of slots or come up with innovative solutions.

Fortnite please add more presets slots there are thousands of skins how is 100 enough
byu/FernDurPlant inFortNiteBR


  • The community is largely in agreement: 100 preset slots are far too limited given the volume of skins available.
  • Suggestions range from increasing the number of slots to implementing folders for better organization.
  • Many players express frustration over having to delete old favorites just to accommodate new skins.
  • Several users have suggested customizable options to save multiple presets per skin.

The Demand for More Slots

The pressing question dominating the discussion is simple: why are there only 100 preset slots when the game boasts thousands of skins? User X_HappyMayhem_X argues for a more substantial number, suggesting, “300 or 500 would be the way to go.” For players like FernDurPlant, who has been playing since the start, this limitation leads to an arduous decision-making process every time they want to switch things up. They’ve been stuck in a never-ending cycle of replacing favorites just to try out the latest flashy skin that’s joined the Fortnite family. It begs the question: Are our beloved characters destined to be cast aside like that old T-shirt at the back of the closet?

Creative Solutions from the Community

Users, fueled by genuine enthusiasm for their characters, collaboratively devise useful strategies to address the current predicament. An engaging idea is proposed by 8bitjer who queries, “Could we have folders too? That way, we can arrange our characters and swap them during events such as Halloween.” This organizational system would enable players to separate emotionally from their skins while keeping them neatly organized and quickly accessible. Picture having a folder dedicated to Halloween where you could effortlessly store all the spooky skins without having to sift through a disorganized mix. It’s a double advantage – preserving style and conserving valuable time in the virtual lobby!

Players Feeling the Pain of Slot Management

In the discussion, user Existing-Bad3608 brings up a common struggle, expressing their frustration with the management of restricted slots. Having been a player since Chapter 1 Season 7, they’ve found this challenge even more complex. They explain that having to remove slots to accommodate new ones is frustrating because selecting skins without presets is tedious and time-consuming. These personal experiences underscore the widespread feeling that the current system not only falls short, but also causes irritation. Players aren’t merely annoyed about choosing one skin over another; they perceive an unfairness when the game’s focus on customization appears to be constricted by unnecessary limitations.

The Push for Enhanced Functionality

In addition to asking for more slot expansions, many gamers are advocating for a more efficient and versatile locker system altogether. User li_grenadier articulates this well with his insightful comment: “Given what this game offers, they could accommodate more records in whichever database table manages our lockers.” The concept of an upgraded locker is a hot topic here; players are not just requesting more space, but also improved usability. Increased slot limits would be part of a broader revamp to restore the comfort of swapping skins effortlessly. Players are growing weary of being restricted by the current system’s limitations.

Other users expressed their eagerness towards new, inventive elements. Drewskeet suggests that each skin should have presets available for saving up to 3 options. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to store 100 favorite presets. This mirrors the sentiments of numerous players who desire a way to customize their experiences without discarding beloved settings. The ideas are brimming, and the community’s anticipation is noticeable—they crave novelty!

Final Thoughts from the Fortnite Community

As the conversation about Fortnite evolves, the collective voice of its players becomes more insistent: They’re clamoring for improvements! Whether by adding more pre-set slot options or creating a user-friendly locker system to manage their valuable skins effectively, the players’ demands are unmistakable. It goes beyond additional slots; it’s about breathing life into their character creations without the burden of constant decisions looming overhead. It seems that Epic Games has the opportunity to address this community concern and enhance the user experience in the realms of customization. For now, those players limited by their pre-set slots can only hope for an upgrade that could elevate their Fortnite journeys to unimagined heights.

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2024-10-12 04:01