Fortnite Dilemma: How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Play

As a passionate gamer and a 14-year-old who has grown up with video games as an integral part of my life, I find it disheartening to read about parents’ concerns over Fortnite and their refusal to let their children play it. I understand where they’re coming from – the graphics and gameplay can be intense, and there are valid fears about inappropriate content and violence.

Fortnite has become a massive hit in the gaming community, leaving some people unimpressed. On Reddit, a 14-year-old user named doinggoody shared an experience where his parents forbade him from playing Fortnite due to fears about violent content and school shootings.

I’m 14 and my parents still won’t let me play Fortnite. What can I tell them to let me play?
byu/doinggoody inFortNiteBR


  • Parents’ concerns about violence in Fortnite
  • Suggestions to convince parents, including showing gameplay to parents
  • One parent’s perspective on Fortnite and how it fosters bonding with children
  • Advice on gently challenging parents’ beliefs with academic studies

Parents’ Concerns

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that Fortnite’s stunning visuals and immersive gameplay have caught the attention of many, including my parents. However, they express worries about the potential negative impacts it may have. They fear that the game could be promoting violence and inappropriate behavior, despite its playful and fantastical elements.

Suggestions to Convince Parents

On Reddit, several users suggested different approaches for gaining parental approval for gaming. Some proposed bringing in a reliable adult to discuss the issue with parents, others recommended sharing game footage from credible resources, and still others suggested bargaining for appropriate behavior as a condition for game access.

Parent Perspective

I’ve personally discovered that Fortnite is more than just a violent game as some may assume. For me and my family, it’s about working together as a team, showcasing creativity through building structures, and creating memorable experiences that strengthen our bond.

Challenging Parents’ Beliefs

One possibility could be: A different user recommended sharing studies disproving the connection between violent videos games and aggression, proposing a soft-spoken method for influencing parents’ views gradually.

Through a Reddit discussion, we gain insight into the disparity between older generations and younger players regarding the enjoyment of video games such as Fortnite, with the latter encountering hurdles in fully appreciating these widely-popular titles.

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2024-07-20 07:28